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What a long ass day... I had just gotten home from taking to Josh about the supplies

I was so darn tired these past few weeks with nyka loosing her baby and all that lex hasn't been the same I've been trying to make her happy and all t while I run the business and handle the supplies and keep my buyers under control

I let out a long sigh as I made my way upstairs

"What the fuck!!!!!!" Was the only thing I  could if said after entering my room

I might have said that a little too loud cause a pillow was thrown at me instantly I ducked causing it to go through the door

"Good your up explain to me why there's a big ass teddy bear taking over our bed that your sleeping on it and the pillows are on the floor?"

"Shut up I want to sleep"

"No I need an explanation for why there's a teddy bear in here how did you even get it through the door"

"Ugh there goes sleeping... it's a gift from nyka she left it in here... I don't know how she got it in"

"Didn't you lock the door this morning exactly how did she get in her?"

"I don't know alright she must have picked the lock or something but what ever she did it was locked when I got home"

"Meh what ever she's a nice person I don't really care just get it off the bed I want to sleep"

"I will do no such thing your sleeping in the couch and that final or you can hit one of  the spare rooms"

With that she was back too sleep like what the fuck just happened did I just got kicked out my damn bed for a bear what does he have that I don't I rolled my eyes and walked over to the cupboard to get my clothes and I had to stop dead in my tracks

Why the fuck are my laundry baskets filled with snacks and sweets

Ugh I'm killing nyka when I see her next

I got what I need and headed to the spare room there was no way I was sleeping on that couch


"Josh what the hell do you need at 7:30 in the morning" I was up anyways but Josh being here was making this a lot worst plus lex doesn't like him

"I need the buyers list I think I missed someone last night"

"Ugh it's in my room second draw of the night stand"

I headed to the kitchen after sending him for it only to stop dead in my tracks I turned to stop him but it was too late

Shit he's dead I'm dead R.I.P Justin and Josh


Oh God I ran upstairs to meet lex in her towel the things I'll do to she what's below that towel

Snap out of it now is not the time to be thing about fucking all over the house

What did she do to Josh that's why I'm here

I looked over at a bleeding Josh... what the hell happened here.

"Are you blind this bitch just threw a knife at me"

"What the fuck did you just call me" she was walking towards him oh lord not now

I quickly grabbed her by her waist and pulled her close to me

"Don't do something you'll regret I already don't like that he's seeing you like this plus if this towel drops I'm killing him" I whispered for only her to hear me

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