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Justin pov

Lexan was suppose to be moving in with me today and I don't know what to do

She isn't the first girl to live with me but  she's not like any other girl

She's sweet, kind hearted, hard working, shy, beautiful, and she's gonna be living with me

My phone rang making me jump a little

I looked at my phone and it's lexan

LEX 😍😊

LEX 😍😊:  hey I'm kinda lost the directions you gave me wasn't really clear and I think I took the wrong turn

JUSTIN🥰😊: oh sorry send me your location and I'll come get you

LEX😍😊: okkkk.... I'll do that then see you  soon bye

JUSTIN🥰😊: yeah see you soon bye

Shit I know I should of just picked her up instead of asking her to drive here

I grabbed my keys of the night stand as my phone vibrated

I walked downstairs only to be greeted by my mother

"Mom what are you doing here and how did you get in?"

"Is that anyway to greet your mother? Anyway I'm here to see my soon to be daughter-in-law... where is she?"

Fuck I completely forgot that mom was coming over to have lunch with lex thank God lex stuff got here yesterday

"Mom she isn't here... she completely forgot about having lunch with you... she went out with her friends earlier to get her nails done"

Hope she drop the subject cause I don't have a clue what to say after that

"Is that so she blew me off to go out with her friends... well then I'll just stay  and the three of us can have dinner when she gets back"

For the love of God my mother is gone get me killed

My phone states ringing and its lex she sent me her location 15 minutes ago and I haven't left home as yet

"Aren't you going to answer your phone?"

"Mom I need to go pick up lex her car isn't starting it'll only take twenty minutes"

And with that I left not even waiting for a reply from her

I got into my car and left

My mind was racing... how was I suppose to tell lex my mom's at the house waiting for her

It was gonna be a long ride back

"Lexan it's so good to see you again"

"Like wise Mrs. Lovell"

When I told lex about mom being here she took it quite well...

She  wasn't mad that she had to deal with my mom on her first day here or anything

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