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I sat in my car silently cursing myself I forgot the envelope in the night stand draw

What if he sees it what's he going to do to me

I let out a sigh and started the engine this car was going to take ages for me to get used too but oh well gotta start some where I pulled out the garage and headed too the café


I pushed open the doors to the café and take it all in it's not going to be the same with out her

But I'll have to make it work I can't just give up I'll carry on my bestfriends legacy

Hopefully I don't eat out all the cakes ( lol) 

I took up the broom and started cleaning the café.... I was determined to open by the end of the week even if I'll have too sleep here every night

"You know your suppose to be at work right"

Shit I completely forgot that I have a job

"Umm sorry I just needed to clean the " café

I turned around too see Justin leaning against the door frame his arms crossed over his torso his signature smirk plastered on his face he looked me up and down biting  his lower lip

He leaned off the door frame and made his way towards some

"You know it's not very nice to miss work and don't tell your boss about it right"

"Well shouldn't my boss be at the office instead of being here looking like a snack"

Fuck did I just say that out loud

"Well I'm glad you think I'm looking like a snack but we need to finish cleaning here if you want to open this cafe before the month is over"

He took his t-shirt off and lord I need a new panty

I watched him as he set it down on the counter I bit my lip as I looked him up and down

Why is he doing this to me why now it's  not the right time to want him to fuck me is it

No totally not wrong timing

"Well actually I want it open by the end of the week anyways let's get cleaning then"


We've been cleaning for hours it wasn't that dirty since Ny cleaned it before she left but I was so distracted I was cleaning the same spot for a while

I finally gave up and set the broom down

"Hey you know it's getting late lets get some food into you"

"Yes please I really need to eat before I go crazy and skipping breakfast wasn't such a good idea"

He let out a little laugh as we headed to the main exit he took up his t-shirt and we left

We headed to a small burger shop that was close by  Josh  dropped him off since I had my car

he decided to drive  since I was in no mood to drive after cleaning 

"Can I have two extra cheese burgers extra bacon with two large fries and two extra large  coca-cola"

It was nice knowing that he wasn't mad at me or wasn't going to kill me maybe he didn't see it well I hope he didn't

We took a shower as we hit the door.. after we were finished I made popcorn and we watched  a movie 

"I'm going to take a shower you can join me if you want"

Sleeping With My BossМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя