Common Rooms

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I opened my eyes, not realizing they were closed and found myself on the floor, pieces of tub cracked all around me. I laughed as I turned over, my legs and side radiating with pain. It was all I could think to do to keep from crying or screaming out.
"Are you okay?" I heard Melinda shout from somewhere from my left. "Why are you laughing?" she asked dragging herself closer, her hand on her stomach as she lay on her back.
"It's my defense mechanism," I said with another laugh. "How about you? You alright?" I asked as I turned over and laid on my stomach, rubbing my sides.
"I'm never getting my belly button pierced," she said as I listened to her take deep breathes in and out.
"Where are we?" I asked looking around. It was dark but I could still make out all the tables around us. My eyes caught the door, I could barely make out the two H's from the angle I was at so I forced myself to my knees and then standing, gritting my teeth through the pain. "Hog's Head," I read as I quickly remembered the name from the website. I shot a look over to Melinda who jerked to attention, staring at the sign.
"That's not possible" she whispered as we both stared at the sign. I helped her up and we looked around the dark room; I didn't know how she felt but I was both in awe and panic. There was no way we were transported to Hogsmeade, not even in a dream. Hogsmeade was a direct connection to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry. Hogwarts was where Harry Potter went to school. As in the fictional character. There was no way we landed in a fictional story.
"This isn't possible..." Melinda whispered again probably coming to the same conclusion as I had, though again, it was impossible.
"But yet one can dream up several impossible things before breakfast..." we both turned toward the entrance, a tall man with half-moon glasses and a long white beard and even longer white hair stood in front of us in a dark purple robe. "I cant recall which book that is from" he said, a kind smile on his face.
"Alice in Wonderland" Melinda quickly answered as I wanted to comment on her need to be right over the fact that the Headmaster of Hogwarts was standing in front of us.
"My name is Albus Dumbledore and I'm proud to say you've both arrived right on schedule. We have much to discuss." I couldn't take my eyes off the man nor could I say anything, regardless of how many questions were running through my head.
"We're dreaming right?" I asked, the only question that managed to come out of my mouth. He smiled kindly again and looked from me to Melinda.
"If you'd both come with me I believe we can attempt to maybe sort some of this out." I had to give the man credit, at least he wasn't saying he'd let us know everything or we'd understand completely after talking to him. He bowed as he opened the door, but not with his hand but a wave of his wand. A wand, as in a real wand. As in, maybe we weren't dreaming.
"Pinch me" I whispered to Melinda as she came over to me and we followed Professor Dumbledore outside.
"Ah, pardon my manners" he said as he waved his wand again, two heavy cloak falling into his arms. "It's quite chilly tonight, a wonderful night of course, the moon is a fantastic color" he said as he glanced up in the sky as he handed me and Melinda each a cloak. Not knowing how to respond I quickly pulled the cloak on, not daring to tell him it was way too large, Melinda's fitting just about the same.
We travelled in silence, still all the questions were running through my head, but like Professor Dumbledore said, we could discuss it inside. "Hey, there is it!" I exclaimed with excitement as I pointed at the Honeydukes sign. Both Melinda and Professor Dumbledore looked at the sign and then me. "I saw it, before we got here, like, when I was looking at the curtain—long story, I saw it, it must have been from this angle" I told them as Melinda just blinked, probably unable to take in any more. Professor Dumbledore though looked deep in thought as he glanced at me and then the sign and then me again.
"Miss Allen come now, we don't want either of you to freeze" he said continuing to walk ahead. I nodded, but couldn't help but wondering what his knowing expression meant.
Seeing the castle was more breathtaking taking than seeing it on the big screen and imaging it from the books. "Wow" I whispered as Melinda and I stared in awe up at the castle, slowly moving closer and closer and closer until we were at the front doors."We're really here."
"Right this way" we continued following Professor Dumbledore, up a staircase, and then another and another. So many pictures, all looking curious at us as we looked back even more curious at them. Another staircase. "It's quite late so I apologize if it seems rather eerie" the professor said but I shook my head, eerie wasn't even close to the right word. "Ah" he stopped as we reached the end of a hall. A large statue stood in front of us, he motioned for us to step forward, at first I couldn't see where but noticed the small bit of room. I stepped on first, Melinda next and then Professor Dumbledore who whispered something and we moved. Just like that we were rising up like a spiral elevator. Once we made a final turn we found ourselves in a very large room. Everything I could ever imagine in a Headmaster's office and more.
"Please join me". Not wanting to miss anything I sat down next to Melinda who was still looking all around; I couldn't imagine what was going through her mind. "Melinda, Tammie" Professor Dumbledore started nodding from Melinda to me, his eyes still shining. "I believe your both aware of the the muggle interpretation of our Wizarding world." I didn't say anything, I could only feel myself swallow. Interpretation? Did he mean to say all of it was real? "As your here I ask of you to remain open minded and not make comparisons. What you've read in books and seen portrayed on the screen is indeed based on fact, but not everything is what it seems and not all threats still exist."
"You mean Voldemort?" I asked as Melinda gave me one of her looks that meant I didn't think before speaking. But she read the same book I did, she knew Professor Dumbledore didn't mind hearing the name, he encouraged people not to be afraid of the name.
"Yes, Tom Riddle, Voldemort, he's gone" I looked at Melinda, he was what? "When Harry Potter was just a baby Voldemort attempted to kill him and the curse backfired, killing Voldemort instead." I half wondered if there was more to the story, more Dumbledore wasn't saying. "I myself examined the body, he died fourteen years ago" he concluded. A wave of relief washed over me. The man who terrorized an entire community Two communities, was dead.
"Does that mean Harry is having a normal school year?" I founded myself asking.
"As he's had for the last four years" Dumbledore answered as I felt myself smile.
"What about my family?" Melinda blurted out, a question I guessed she had on her mind since we arrived. Not that I blamed her, in fact I hadn't called my mom to say goodnight. She'd be worried too, would she be able to get into the house? What if she couldn't? Or worst, what if she could and she found the house and everyone still and us girls gone. No, missing.
"I apologize for the inconvenience and I promise everyone will return to a normal state by morning" he said as I looked at the clock, wasn't it morning? I asked realizing the time difference should've been obvious. "A little extra magic" he said as if that explained everything.
"What happened to them?" Melinda asked.
"A simple freezing spell, it causes no permanent damage and everyone will remember everything, they haven't forgotten you Melinda" he reassured her.
"Wait, in order to cast a spell doesn't someone have to be there?" I asked as Melinda looked suspiciously at me. I started to turn on her but Dumbledore raised his hand.
"You'll find a lot can happen from a fireplace" he said, again, giving us zero context.
"How are we here? Why are we here?" I asked as he chuckled.
"I suspect to get an education" Dumbledore answered pulling open a drawer and offering us lemon drops. I declined, though didn't mention I didn't care for lemons.
"Tammie, I'm afraid this should come as less of a shock to you but you come from a long line of witches and wizards." I outright laughed, his comment was outrageous.
"No, I don't." I told him as I shifted in the chair, the professor hadn't taken his eyes off me and he was still kindly smiling. "I'm not a witch" I added as if that was final.
"You're mother was homeschooled yes?" He asked as I nodded. "You're father, Dustin Allen he died, shortly after you were born?" Again I nodded, hooked on his words. "He was American, yes, but, he had dual citizenship" Dumbledore explained. "UK and America." Melinda stifled a laugh as I looked over at her.
"I mean, that explains so much" she half teased as I turned back to look at Dumbledore. "They meet shortly after he moved. I'm sure you're mother has told you the story?" I nodded, she said it was love at first sight. He had a pretty wild past and was looking to escape. Mom always suspected he was running away from something, but could never figure out what. "His grandparents were quite hard on him, pushed him away and his brother was...not the most supportive and when they parted ways when Voldemort fell—"
"My dad was in alliance with Voldemort?"
"No, no, against, strongly against" I sighed with relief, that would've been a revolution that shattered my life.
"Who was his brother?" I asked but Dumbledore merely folded his hands and set them on the table.
"All in due time Miss Allen" he said as I frowned at his answer. "As for you Miss Sawyer" he turned to Melinda. "You're magical linage unfortunately skips a generation, though we honestly wondered if it had skipped two this year time around." Melinda blinked, but remained silent. "You're grandparents, the Grants, on your mother's side, they were a witch and wizard. I'm afraid I don't know much about them, they didn't go to school here but they did grow up here" he said as I started to ask what other school could they possibly go to but Melinda was so kind as to not interrupt me I had to do the same. "Your mother was not a witch" I glanced at Melinda, she knew that meant her mother was a squib, a child born from a witch and wizard but exhibited no magical powers of their own. "She settled down with your father and they had you and your two brothers, it seems only one of the Sawyer kids has been passed down the gene."
"Isn't it too early to tell about Thomas?" I asked referring to her youngest brother.
"There are signs, even that early" Dumbledore assured me.
"Okay, but, how are we witches? We've shown no signs" I said but looked at Melinda who didn't readily agree.
"What haven't you told me?" I asked her.
"Nothing, just, you know, little stuff that sounds..."
"Insane" I finished as she blushed. "We can go over details and compare notes later" I half  teased as we both turned back to look at the professor.
"If there's a school in America, why are we here?" Melinda asked.
"Your ancestors have roots here, so you have a choice to come here or go to Ilvermorny" he said as I scrunched my face. "It's in Massachusetts, not far from Connecticut I believe" I clenched my jaw.
"Do you think that's why your mom wanted you to move?" Melinda hissed as I licked my lips, trying to think of any response that sounded normal. My mom wasn't a witch. "You haven't met my mom, sure she's a bit, gullible but she doesn't really believe in this stuff..." I said as I sat in a chair in the office of the greatest Headmaster I've ever heard of at a magical school I've only read about it in books.
"She may have wanted to wait to fill you in on the details but we highly suggested, to both your parents now would be the time otherwise you'd have to pass up your seats and we believe you both have great talents." I shook my head.
"Hold on, what? Who's been spying on us?"
"It's not spying" he said but didn't elaborate. "And your mother and I have been in contact through letters. Melinda, we've attempted to write to your parents but we've gotten few responses. Our last response was if you come they rather you do when they least expect so they won't be tempted to stop you." I looked down in silence to give Melinda a moment. Her parents wanted the spell so they wouldn't see their only magical born child leave them. "You can of course go home whenever holidays come around and during the summer. Above that, it's your decision, both of yours, if you decide to even join our establishment."
"I want to see the letters" I said as Dumbledore nodded.
"That seems only fair, I'll have them delivered once you've made your decision and have gotten settled. Just to note Tammie, your mom wanted you enrolled in Hogwarts since you were born, you're father was the one against it." I wanted to ask why, to know more, but maybe I'd find my own answers in the letters.
"I want to stay" Melinda said surprising me.
"You do?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Well it seems my parents don't want me enrolled in a magical school, if I go back home that's it and I'll be left wondering. At least if I start the school year here I have a chance to come back after holiday." I half smiled, I was glad I was going to have my best friend with me but this all still seemed overwhelming. Could I actually make it here? Did I have what it took to be a witch?
"Tammie?" Dumbledore asked as I nodded.
"I'll stay" I said, my voice lower as Dumbledore smiled and got up. "Perfect. I've taken the liberty to write Ollivander, he's very familiar with both your families, he's sent his best recommendations." I felt myself straighten up, was Dumbledore about to give us wands? Actual wands? Melinda and I exchanged looks as Dumbledore turned around, holding a wand box in each hand. "Please," he said as I took one and Melinda took the other. I opened the top and looked at the beautiful wand, a little note attached with a piece of string.
Alder, nine and three quarters, dragon heartstring, I sense this wand will show you just as much loyalty as you've shown others.
"What yours?" I asked Melinda as I slowly took out my wand, not expecting the surge of energy and warmth as I held it. "That's powerful...." I said catching my breath as I put it back in the box, afraid to even swish it, worried I'd break something in the Professor's office.
"Elm, ten and half inches, unicorn hair" Melinda read but stopped, reading the rest to herself. I didn't blame her, though the note was a bit vague, it seemed personal. "You?"
"Alder, nine and three quarters, dragon heartstring" I said proudly as she smiled and nodded. I half wondered if she still knew all the different wand woods memorized.
"Now, I assume you're ready to be placed in your houses?" I almost dropped my wand, I forgot about being sorted. The biggest part of the beginning the year, the most important part of the next four years. Where I would live, who I would be close to. Everything depended on being sorted into one of the four houses: Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Gryffindor or Hufflepuff. "Who would like to go first?" He asked as I looked at Melinda who looked back at me. "It doesn't hurt, I promise" he winked but still neither of us jumped up.
"I guess I'll get it over with" I said a few seconds later, standing up and walking to the other side of the desk where Dumbledore had sat the hat on a stool behind him.
"Thank you Miss Allen" he said politely as he picked up the hat and I sat down. Before I could ask for a minute the hat was on my head. It took a second but the hat jumped to life, nearly startling me off the stool. "Ah, yes, I was wondering when we'd be seeing you Allen" the hat said as it moved side to side. "Yes, yes, I see. Mmmhmmm. Right...Allen" he whispered as I felt myself gulp. "Gryffindor" I felt myself smile, a slow smile, I didn't want to seem like I would've been unhappy with any other choice, but my personal preference was alway Gryffindor. "Congratulations" Professor Dumbledore said giving a little clap as he took the hat off and beckoned Melinda over.
"Good luck" I whispered to her as we traded spots. She sat the stool, and the hat was on her head. "What's this?" The hat paused, making a thinking nose. "Well then...that's very interesting. Very interesting" there was another really long pause, I looked at Melinda, she looked half embarrassed, half terrified, probably thinking she broke it or something. "Ravenclaw!" Melinda's body visibly relaxed as she slide off the stool and handed the hat to Dumbledore. "Congratulations" he said again as Melinda thanked him and sat back in her chair.
"I unfortunately only have one set of robes for each of you" Dumbledore said handing us packages wrapped in brown paper. "Three ties are included."
"What about the rest of our stuff? We came with nothing."
"Not to worry, I've already written letters, we'll get your things as soon as we can and I've secured your term books from the library, on loan until you're able to retrieve your own copies" he said passing us a small stack of books tied together with a string. "I assume neither of you know your way, so I've provided you with a map" he handed us each a piece of parchment, I didn't think it was big enough to fit the whole school but there it all was.
"Thanks" I said as I passed it to Melinda.
"I know I haven't even begun to adequately answer your questions but I hope you'll find your own answers, and possibly they'll be more satisfying. I can arrange for a meeting with your  parents next weekend if you'd like that." I shifted again, what would I tell my mom? I knew she'd be sad I picked Hogwarts over Ilvermorny but what choice did I have? This was a world I've wanted to explore for years now.
"I'd like that" I told Dumbledore as Melinda nodded.
"Wonderful. You'll find your schedules tomorrow from your head of house. School uniforms Monday through Friday. Please follow rules, house points can be earned and taken away. And again, be mindful that anything you think you've seen is just the beginning." We stood as he stood, not sure what else to do.
"Um, sir" I said as he moved over to the door. "Thank you" I said as he smiled and bowed, first toward me and then Melinda.
"You're most welcome" he said. Less than a minute later we were out of his office. Alone in the halls, castle lights dimly lit the halls.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked Melinda.
"There's no possible way we're thinking anything near the same thing" she said as I glanced at her and smirked.
"So you're not thinking about seeing how to get into the kitchen and sneaking some food?" I teased as she waved me off.
"Okay so maybe you know one of my thoughts, but, I rather we figure out how to get to our houses" she said as she pulled out the map. "Here, you guide" she said starting to pass me the map but I shook my head.
"You know my sense of direction is awful, I can't read a map" I told her as she rolled her eyes and looked down.
"Just try" she said handing me the map again.
"Okay, um," I paused to look down and then in all directions. "Straight" I said with a shrug as she sighed and walked ahead of me, clearly straight was the only way to go. I followed close behind, reading directions every so often as she either corrected me or glanced at the paper and wondered if I was reading it right. "I think we're supposed to take a right here" I told her as I started to turn anyway, walking into a seemingly empty classroom.
"Whoa!" I bumped into whoever was coming out, dropping my stuff all over; my robes tearing from the thin paper as my wand fell out of the box and skirted in one direction and the box in the other, books flying all over and the ties landing at my feet.
"I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed as I started picking up the books as the person reached for the ties, picking one at the same time I looked up. "Oh" I quickly stood up, immediately recognizing the twins with their bright red hair. They didn't look much different than what I had imagined, maybe a little taller and less freckled, but both wore identical mischievous smiles, though the one holding my tie looked more mischievous than his brother who stood a few feet behind him.
"Look boys, we got ourselves another Gryffindor" the twin with the tie said. "Has Dumbledore told you about the dragon ritual yet? With the egg?" I felt my eyes go big but only managed to shake my head. He laughed and then shrugged, picking up my books, glancing over the titles. "It's tough, only the bravest can get pass, especially the Hungarian Horntail—"
"Oh Fred, leave her alone, you're gonna frighten her" another boy stepped out from behind a chalkboard, this one just as tall but dark skinned. "Hey" he said as he walked over to me, his dreadlocks swinging. "Lee Jordan." I gave him a nervous smile as he stuck his hand out. "Don't mind them. This here is Fred" he paused to nod at the one closest to us "George" he said thumbing to the other red head.
"Hi" I said quietly. "I'm Tammie, that's my friend Melinda" I said nodding over at her as she waved. "We're uh, new."
"Exchange students from America, I like it, diversity boys, that's what I believe in" Fred said said as he picked up my wand and the torn package that held my robes.
"You in Gryffindor too?" George asked still leaning against the wall, his eyes on Melinda.
"Ravenclaw" she squeaked as he nodded and walked over to his brother.
"Well, you both better get going" he said slapping his brother's shoulder.
"Yeah, would be a shame if you lost us points on your first night" Fred said with a devilish grin as I shifted, trying not to blush.
"C'mon, I'll show you way" Lee Jordan said as he took the package from Fred, started take the ties but Fred held them behind his back.
"Um, those are mine..." I said in nearly a whisper.
"Not like I won't see you tomorrow" he teased in a tone that made my heart flutter.
"Yeah, uh, of course, I mean, right" I said trying not stammer on my words.
"Melinda, I'll drop you off, it's easier that way" Lee said as we nodded and followed him out. I kept glancing back, I don't know if I was expecting Fred to come out and follow us or if I wanted to go back and see what they were doing. "It's a pretty big castle but you'll get used to it, it's really nothing" Lee said as we tried to keep up with him, like the twins, he was also taller than us and didn't seem to realize that we were trying to look in all directions as well as followed him. I almost walked into him as we stopped at a large spiral staircase a short while later. "Alright, it's a bit of a squeeze so one at a time" Lee said as he motioned for Melinda to go first.
"Me?" She said with surprise.
"Well it is your house" he teased as she seemed to come to her senses and started up the stairs, Lee nodding for me to follow.
When we made it to the top we were standing in front of a large door, a enchanted eagle knocker coming to life, as it alarmed me so suddenly that I took a quick step back but Lee caught my arm before I fell backwards.
How can you stand behind someone while they stand behind you?
I looked at Melinda, trying to stifle my giggle at her expression. "What if you can't answer it?" I asked Lee who shrugged.
"I suppose you sleep outside" he said as he crossed his arms. "But I reckon your friend's got it" he assured as I looked back at Melinda. It took another few seconds before she snapped her fingers.
"You stand back to back!" She answered with a laugh, either finding it stupidly simple or amusingly simple.
I gave her a thumbs up as the door opened. "This is good night I guess" she said as she nervously peeked inside, Lee holding the door opened so we could speak.
"If we wake up back home just cherish this moment" I said sarcastically as she rolled her eyes but nodded anyway.
"Thanks Lee Jordan" she said as he bowed.
"Anytime, get your rest!" He said as she quickly disappeared inside. "Now your turn" he said as we turned toward the stairs, "careful" he said taking my arm and helping me down the first few steps. I didn't expect them to be so steep and dizzying.
"So, if you don't mind me asking, what were you boys doing in that room? Isn't it bedtime?" I asked as again, I had to walk quickly to keep up with his long strides.
"I'm sure you'll find out tomorrow" he teased. "Tammie, do you have a last name?" He asked as I laughed.
"Allen, I'm from New York. Melinda and I. We uh..." I trailed off, no idea how I'd explain how any of this happened. "It's complicated."
"I get it" he said cheerfully as we ran up another staircase.
"My parents were magical. My mom didn't go here, she was homeschooled. Never told me" I said as he frowned.
"Must be hard, being away from them."
"Just my mom, my dad died shortly after I was born" I told him.
"Sorry to hear that" I nodded as again, we came across another staircase.
"You said this gets easier?" I asked as he laughed and I followed him down a hall.
"Last one" he said as we walked up another staircase, this one lead to a large portrait of a large woman dressed in a frilly pink robe. "The Fat Lady" he said waving his hands at the lady.
"What's the password?" I asked as she woke up and looked from Lee to me. "Hi" I said kindly as she smiled and nodded back. It was still unbelievable seeing a portrait move.
"Flitter flatter" he said as the portrait opened and I looked at him.
"Why?" He didn't answer, just smiled and lead me in.
"And this Miss Allen, is your new home" he said as we stepped inside. I felt myself catch my breathe, never once had I imagined seeing this place in person. Pictures and descriptions couldn't do the view justice. I looked around, all the furniture was a scarlet or gold color, the fire blazed in the fireplace and the place looked beautifully decorated. But most of all, it felt homey.
"Wow" I said as someone came downstairs. A blonde girl, tall, thin, pasty skin,  but really rosy cheeks and bright blue eyes.
"Oh, it's just you" she said with a roll of the eyes as she looked at Lee Jordan. Suddenly I didn't feel she looked as pretty as when she first stepped into the room.
"Sorry to disappoint" Lee responded. "If it makes you feel better I brought you a possible friend" he said as she stopped whatever she was doing and turned to look at me.
"Hi, I'm Tammie Allen" I said as I held my hand as she walked over.
"Charity Carter, most people call me CC" she said as I nodded. "What year are you in?"
"I'm a fifth year" she said in a tone I couldn't pinpoint but I knew I didn't like. It was almost like snotty, but annoying at the same time.
"Cool" I tried saying but she shook her head and walked over to the couch.
"I'll just wait up for him I guess" Charity said seemingly dismissing me.
"Whatever tickles your fancy" Lee said as he turned to me. "Alright, girls dormitory is upstairs, can't show that, though, I wouldn't mind..." he said as I smiled.
"I think you've done more than enough for me Lee, I appreciate it" I told him as he bowed.
"My pleasure."
"Don't forget to remind Fred he has my ties" I told him as Lee glanced from me to Charity but it was too quick for me to make any sense of it.
"Course" he said as I nodded and went for the stairs.
Upstairs was no different, a sight to behold with all the four poster beds. I looked around, everyone was asleep and as if it was planned there was one empty bed left. Three suitcases laid on top. Already? I thought to myself as I sat on the bed, suddenly overcome with a desire to sleep. I moved the suitcases to under the bed, I'd go through all this in the morning. I told myself as I looked around the bed, seeing a night gown hanging from one of the posters, a note attached.
I had an extra, thought you'd want to borrow it. Dumbledore told us everything, welcome to Gryffindor! -Hermione
I laughed to myself as I pulled down the gown and went to the bathroom. I quickly changed and went back to my bed. Pulling down the cover I climbed in and pulled the covers all the way to my chin. "I'm not dreaming" I told myself as I stared up. I wasn't dreaming. I wasn't dreaming. I was really at Hogwarts, sleeping in a bed. After getting provided with robes for my house and school books for my classes. What would my father have said about this? He moved for a reason? Was I going to disappoint my mother? Would she be here in the morning demanding I return? I felt my eyes close as I continued asking myself questions.

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