Only the Second Day

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"You're going to Divination too, right?" Ron asked the next morning as we sat at breakfast. Hermione reading the paper and Ron shoveling food in his mouth.
"Yeah" I answered as I helped myself to more bacon, lettuce, tomatoes and toast and another serving of orange juice. "What are you taking Hermione?" I asked already knowing how she felt about such a waste of time class like Divinations.
"Ancient Ruins, it's a fantastic class, I do love it; you learn a lot more than in Divination." I wouldn't doubt if she was right, not that I knew anything about the classes except what I've seen and read but it couldn't be that far off, right?
"Hermione wouldn't take this class even for the extra O.W.L" Ron joked.
"No harm in that" I said as I finished the last bit on my plate. "Oh look, the mail" I noticed pointing up at the incoming owls. I watched as random students had letters and packages land in front of them, happy to see such excitement about receiving word from home.
"Watch out" Dean said as a large barn owl headed in our direction, a package just as big as him hanging from his beak.
"Who do you think that's for?" I asked and was more than shocked to see the owl land in front me.
"What did you get?" Ron asked.
"She can't see through things" Harry reminded him as I chuckled and opened the package, my face twisting into a confused expression as I took out book after book. The Standards Book of Spells Grade 4, Your Cauldron and You, Clarity of the Crystal Ball, Transfiguration Textbook 4, To Protect and Defend, The Night Star, and Quidditch Throughout the Ages.
"What's all that?" Ron asked, his piece of sausage falling off his fork.
"No clue" I started but shook my head, "I mean, obviously text books, but they look brand new." Hermione took one and looked it over.
"They are" she said with excitement as she examined two more. "Maybe from your mother?" She asked as I half nodded, scanning the package for a note or something, surely if they were from my mom she would've included a note, but found no note. I didn't say this to the others, I didn't need anyone making guesses. Maybe it was from Professor Barrass, a way to make amends. If so, Melinda was bound to have a package too. I looked over my shoulder at the Ravenclaw table, Melinda happily conversing with her friends, no package anywhere near her. But then who? I wondered to myself as the bell sounded, signaling everyone should start heading to their assigned classes.
"I was looking for you yesterday at dinner" Melinda said popping up next to me as we traveled the stairs.
"I wasn't really hungry and then I took a walk with Fred."
"Inside, around the castle, we talked, about everything, it was actually really fun" I told her as she nodded in approval.
"Where are you headed? I have Ancient Runes"
"You too? Hermione's going that way, you should walk with her, I'm off to Divination" I told her waving my book.
"Hang on, what's all that?" She asked stopping me to take the book. "This looks brand new, you sure you and Fred didn't sneak off to Diagon Alley?"
"I'm pretty sure if we did sneak off the castle grounds it wouldn't be to buy books" we turned to see Fred walking toward us with his brother and Lee.
"Good morning" I said much too eagerly.
"Morning ladies" Lee replied.
"Want me to walk you?" Fred said as he poked me in the shoulder.
"You don't have to, I don't want to make you late for your own class."
"Alright, but I'll see you at lunch" he said, George pushing him along, waving bye to Melinda as Lee bowed to both of us before following his friends.
"I have so many questions..."
"My books, let's start there, did you happen to get any?"
"Not yet, my mom is sending money she's kept in a safe from my grandparents. I don't expect much but it should be enough to buy some stuff from the catalog. Is this everything you ordered so far?" She asked nodding at the books I was trying to stuff in my bag, making it heavier than necessary.
"Um, actually, no, these came in the mail this morning."
"Oh, from your mom?"
"Nope, no idea who they're from."
"And you're just going to shove them in your bag? Have you learned nothing about accepting gifts from strangers?"
"They're just textbooks." I knew her reluctance, one time in middle school I had accepted a supposedly free flower from a guy but it turned out he was just trying to make trouble with the girl who liked him because she kissed another boy. I suppose she was also referring to Tom Riddle's diary, but he was dead and that was just a fantasy story.
"Just be careful" she said as we neared Hermione, Ron and Harry.
"Have you all met?"
"Yeah, we were all talking yesterday at dinner" Melinda said smiling at the others who smiled back.
"Great, then see you guys later, we don't want to be late" Hermione said tapping Melinda as the two of them went off to their class.
"Now what?" I asked noticing a crowd of students gathered around.
"Up there" Ron said as we watched Dean pull down a string, a ladder coming down. "Don't fall" he added as a few other student went up ahead of us.
"This seems extremely dangerous" I told them surprised I never noticed how much of an obstacle course this school was.
"It's not so bad once you get used to it" Harry said as he helped me up having gone up ahead of me.
"The teacher on the other hand..." Ron mumbled as we took to an empty table closer to the exit. "She's a loon."
"What's this class about exactly? I asked regretting not reading the description when Professor McGonagall was showing me.
"Basically, you get to make up things. It's an easy O; just say you saw stuff with your 'inner eye,'" he paused and made some weird expression, poking at his eyes. "If you volunteer a lot you can get some house points too."
"Don't forget dying repeatedly" Harry added.
"Oh yeah, definitely, she likes that, anything tragic." I stifled a laugh as I saw Lavender and Parvati glaring at the back of Ron's head, Ron none the wiser.
"I can see why Hermione doesn't like this class," I said, looking at the crystal ball on the small round table in front of me. I started to ask another question but was distracted by a tall women. I couldn't tell anything about her shape or height due to the large layered robes she wore of various patterns. Her hair thick and bushy but less tamed than I had ever seen. Her eyes looked bigger than I imagined they were with her oversized glasses.
"Welcome back" she said in a squeaky dramatic voice, I tightened my lips, I honestly hadn't expected anything less I thought to myself as I pulled out my book and notebook, not that I thought I'd need it much.
"There's a new student here" Lavender said with a raised hand. I wanted to punch her, I didn't need to be singled out.
"Indeed, I did sense a new presence with us this morning" she said clapping her hands together and closing her eyes. "Please, introduce yourself to the class" I silently cursed but got up anyway.
"Hi, I'm Tammie Allen" I said with a short wave, then not knowing what else to say I sat down.
"Allen, was your father Richard by any chance?" Professor Trelawney said as I felt my insides tighten. This was the first time I heard someone say his name.
"Um, yes" I said as she nodded and opened her eyes.
"I'm so sorry for your loss, he was a terrific student, O in my class and even for the N.E.W.Ts. He was a man of great talent, I don't expect any less from you." I fidgeted in my chair. My father was good at Divination, did that mean he was good at making things up or was he actually talented? Regardless, Lavender seemed to look rather annoyed with what the Professor said.
"Alright, let's move into today's lesson" she said as she went over to the board and write about what she should expect from us on Sunday. I wasn't sure what she meant at first but Ron quickly filled me in that we were supposed to use our books and tea leaves to try and predict what would be happening in our lives Sunday. I looked bewildered, suddenly regretting my choice in elective.
"Why is that class a subject?" I asked as we exited and went down the stairs after what felt like far too long.
"Hey" Hermione said as her and Melinda caught up with us. "How was your class?"
"Stupid, yours?"
"Very refreshing" Hermione answered, Melinda nodding in agreement.
"Do you think you'll switch?" Melinda asked me as we hung back.
"I don't know, she mentioned my dad. Not sure if that was some incentive to stay or if she just overheard someone else mention him."
"What did she say about him?"
"That he was talented in that class" I didn't have to look at Melinda to know she looked skeptical. "I'm not saying I believe her, it's just, you know, he's dead, I don't really know anything about him and anything anyone knows helps me feel connected" I told her as she nodded in understanding.
"You said he was a Slytherin? Maybe you could talk to Professor Snape?"
"You think they were friends or something?"
"Who knows, but it wouldn't hurt" she suggested.
" I couldn't approach Professor Snape alone, he absolutely terrified me when I saw him yesterday and he yelled at us for not moving right away."
"Wish you didn't tell me that, I have Double Potions first thing tomorrow with Hufflepuff" she grunted as I patted her back.
"You'll be fine"  I said as we continued walking. "So I see you're having no trouble making friends."
"Everyone in my house has been really helpful, most of my roommates are great, there's this one girl, Holly, she's really cool, she's in our year and has been great with being patient as I learn and catch up" she explained.
"Please don't tell me you stay up all night talking about school" I whined.
"Well then I won't" she stuck out her tongue.
"Is that how we're greeting people now?" Someone asked as they jumped in front of us, her straight dirty blonde hair flying in front of her but she quickly tucked it behind her ear.
"Actually, we were just talking about you" Melinda said happily. "Tammie this is Holly, Holly, this—"
"Tammie Allen, I've heard all about you, welcome to Hogwarts. Thanks for helping Melinda to the common room the first night."
"That wasn't me, I was there but I was just as lost as her." We shook hands and continued on our way to charms class. "You don't mind if I borrow Melinda after class do you? A bunch of us were gonna study, Luna wanted to study outside but it's too cold" I didn't want to interrupt but I wondered if they meant Luna Lovegood, I wouldn't have minded meeting her.
"How was class?" I dazed off as the two girls compared notes about their first lesson and laughed, I was only too happy to listen on.
"Tammie, Melinda said you enjoy Quidditch too, any chance you'll join next year?" Holly asked as we took our seats.
"Actually there might be an opening after the first game" I told her.
"Damn, someone must have made a good impression on the captain" she teased as I felt myself blush.
"I'm sure nothing is final, I still need to practice and learn how to use a broom and understand the rules..." I trailed off counting all the things I still had to do before actually joining the team, if I was even good enough for Oliver, he had such high expectations.
"What position? Hang on, never mind, we can talk about it later, join us our study group" Holly whispered as Professor Flitwick came out.
"Good morning class" he squeaked as I followed everyone else and got out my notebook and textbook. "Don't forget the wands!" Professor Flitwick cheerfully added. "I hear talk about Quidditch! How about we start off with some fun to prepare for the first game. The Cheering Charm, who can tell me who invented the charm?" I chuckled as Melinda's hand shot up.
"Yes, Sawyer?"
"Felix Summerbee, back sometime during the mid fifteen century" she said as Professor Flitwick nodded, unable to hide his excitement.
"Well done, excellent, five points to Ravenclaw." I could see Seamus making hand gestures that it wasn't fair that Professor Flitwick was giving points to students in his own house; he must have forgotten Professor McGonagall awarded us points after I answered a question correctly during her class. "What are the consequences when overdoing the Cheering Charm?" He asked, this time a few more raising, the professor calling on Hermione.
"It can cause to have a fit of giggles, but if performed correctly it merely causes a sense of joy."
"Very good! And do you know what the difference is between the tickling charm and the Cheering Charm?" he asked still looking at her.
"The Cheering Charm's main purpose is to elevate one's mood, make them happy, the tickling charm is to mimic the sensation of being physically tickled," she said, her voice not veering from confidence.
"Yes, wonderful! Five points to Gryffindor," Professor Flitwick said happily looking around the room again, not catching Seamus and Dean high give. "Now, let's put our knowledge to practice, pair up, pair up" he said as Melinda and Holly moved closer. I scanned the room as Hermione came my way.
"Want to be partners?"
"Of course" I said as we found a more isolated spot to practice.
"Alright, watch here first" Professor said as he raised his wand,  waving it in quick short motions as if he were waving. "Everyone try with me" he said as we all raised our wands and copied the movements. "Perfect, now, practice saying Granda Gaudium" he said as we said it, most people, including myself mispronouncing it. "I'll write it" he said hoping off his stack of books and going to the board and to write it out, the origin underneath it. "Let's try again, no wand movement, just say it" he said as we all said it again, this time more people getting it right. "Excellent, okay, off you go!" He said.

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