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I ran through the marsh, not paying any attention to the branches that reached out to me. I was trying to get away. Away from her. Away from Mama.
It felt like I was running forever. My muscles burned and my stomach churned. I felt like giving up. My head protested at the speed I was going. It still bled heavily.
I stumbled. My breath came in shuddered pants. I heard a twig snap. Shaking my head, I continued to run for my life. I had to get away. Water splashed up at me, slowing me down as it pushed against my legs, not wanting me to leave. I had to.
My thighs sliced against the water until I finally reached the muddy ground.
I continued to run. I ran and ran and ran. It was forever until I finally saw lights. Streetlights. I ran with a newfound energy. My will to live was strong. I jumped through the last remaining branches, one reached out and scratched my face with its long nail in a last ditch effort to keep me.
I stopped.
I knew exactly where I was.
I turned left and ran once more. It should be around here somewhere. There were no cars driving past the deserted road. Odd since this was the busiest street in the city. The night was dark and still. No branches reaching out to grab me and no puddles of water trying to get me to stay. Tears ran down my face as it came into view. My feet were bloody. My head was pounding. The scratches on my body were throbbing but I didn't care. I was safe.
I busted through the door, catching the attention of all the people in the room but my eyes only landed on one. Tears came forth with a new ferocity. "Daniel!" I sobbed walking towards him and latching onto him. Gasps could be heard around the room and sobs broke out. Daniel kept his arms around me, just as shocked as everyone else. It seems he had a hard time processing. I was here. I had escaped. After 6 months of that hell, I had escaped. Daniel looked down at my body the best he could and set me down on one of the sofas that was in the room. It was odd since I wouldn't let go of him but he managed. My head rested on his shoulder and tears continued to flow freely from my eyes. Nothing throbbed anymore. I felt no pain. A woman came over with a blanket and it was then that I realized who was here. My friends and my family. My youth group leader, Greg, was on the phone, calm and collected. He was probably talking to the police. My mother was sobbing with her other daughter in her arms. My dad was teary eyed but stone faced. I probably should've ran to him. He looks too much like Mama. I burrowed my head into Daniels shoulder, not caring about the complicated past we shared. I closed my eyes for just a second before a loud bang startled me. I jumped up, my eyes wide and frightened.
It was Mama.
"Close the doors and lock them." I muttered. I set to work on covering the windows. We were in the high school library. 3 points of entry and a massive wall of Windows. I ran to the windows and began covering them with posters from the school year. I guess it'd be summer now.
I covered them to the best of my ability and almost sobbed when I saw lights turn into the parking lot. "She's here." I turned around, nobody had moved but my dad and Joey. They had barricaded the door leading to the parking lot and were now working on the doors that led to the main hall of the building. Another loud bang and a glass window shattered. She was here. "Little bird, little bird, let me in."
I sobbed and backed away. Someone grabbed my shoulders and kept me behind them. It was my mom.
"Little bird, little bird, let me in!" Mama roared. Her wild eyes could be seen through the window she shattered. I stepped out, angry and still a little bit frightened.
Mama snarled animalistically, "That's not the right answer!"
My dad cocked a gun. I didn't even realize he had it with him. He aimed it at Mama but I knew it wouldn't do any good. Not unless he had the perfect shot. Mama was fast and smart. Mama had already jumped through the window and landed with bare feet on the glass. She was ugly.
Her arms were muscular and covered in tattoos. The veins in them so prominent. Her muscular arms were attached to muscular shoulders that were covered by her night dress. The tattoos continued to crawl up her neck and into her thick beard. Her deepset eyes and bushy eyebrows made her look scary. She had no hair on her head, showcasing the large scar that sat atop her scalp. Thick hands and fingers were fisted, ready to swing.
"Give me back my baby." She said angrily. Spit flew out of her mouth and landed on the floor as she snarled like a wolf.
My mom went to speak up but I stopped her. She has other kids to worry about and I can't continue to be scared. We're not alone together anymore. I can speak up for myself now. My little sister took my mom's hand and took her to the back of the crowd, keys in hand in case they needed to run. She was smart like that. I stepped forward, only to have someone else step forward with me. It was Daniel. I looked up into his hazel eyes and sighed.
"You can't be here, Mama." I said, my voice soft enough so she'd think I wasn't mad. "You're right, so we have to go, now!" She shouted when she saw that I wouldn't move. I shook my head, once again scared but Daniel took my hand and squeezed it tightly.
"No, Mama. I'm staying here."
"You're my daughter. My baby girl!" She shouted, taking a menacing step towards me before my dad aimed the gun directly at her head.
"No. I'm not."
She growled and lunged, knocking my dad out of the way and heading straight for me but I was pulled to the side by Daniel. The people that were gathered scattered. My sister pulled my mom and the rest of my siblings out and to the car to keep them safe. I guess she'd grown up while I was gone. My friends all stayed, weaponless but ready to defend. If it comes down to it, there'd be a fight and I couldn't have that. I looked over, my dad's gun laying there beside him. I let go of Daniels hand.
The gun was heavier than I remember. I could barely hold it up. Mama saw me and her expression morphed into something between horror and sadness.
"Little bird. What are you doing?"
Tears fell from my eyes, again.I was beginning to hate them.
"You won't leave my people alone, Mama." I cried as I made sure the gun was still loaded. I cocked it again and put the barrel underneath my chin. Mama stepped towards me, her eyes blown wide. "What are you doing, baby?"
I sobbed, my face crumbling, "You can't hurt my people anymore, Mama."
I put my finger on the trigger and watched Mama reach out to me cautiously. She stood about 6 feet away from, arm raised as if using the force to stop me."You don't have to do that, birdy."
I shook my head, sparing a glance at a frightened Daniel.
I was fully ready to commit. To end my life so I could save all the people in this room. I knew why Mama wanted me. If I killed myself, she'd leave my people alone. My family and friends would be safe.
"You're right, Mama." I said. I caught the figure that was moving in the shadows outside. My eyes following the figure that was creeping into the building, "I dont."
A single shot went off, the bullet burying itself inside Mama's brain. I set the shotgun aside and stood, my knees wobbling. Daniel had his hand over his heart and I can't tell if he's crying or not. I looked around as the stealth officer examined the body and more officers arrived on the scene.
We were safe now.

alt ending:

I sobbed, my face crumbling, "You can't hurt my people anymore, Mama."
I put my finger on the trigger and watched Mama reach out to me cautiously. She stood about 6 feet away from, arm raised as if using an imaginary force to stop me. "You don't have to do that, birdy."
I shook my head, sparing a glance towards my frightened friends and family. This was the only way. The only way to ensure the safety of my friends.  To end my life so I could save all the people in this room. I knew why Mama wanted me. If I killed myself, she'd leave my people alone. My family and friends would be safe. 

"You're wrong, Mama." Tears brimmed my eyes, blurring the horrific image that was her. I watched her blurry figure take a step towards me. I took one back. My breath came in short gasps, as if I were already fighting for my final intake of air. 

"Don't d-" Screams erupted after the gun went off. Wails of agony ringing throughout the room. The loud shouts of agony effectively cut Daniel off from whatever he was about to say. Chunks of matter that once made up the girl that was beside him stuck to the side of his face. Her blood sprayed across his face, crimson splatters nearly blinding him. He couldn't move. Couldn't fathom what it was that he had just witnessed. 

His hazel eyes were locked on the still body of her. The sweet column of her neck no longer connected to the round face he, at one point, had adored. The top half of her skull was gone. Obliterated. Her face, almost incapable of any other emotion aside from happiness, will never be remembered as beautiful as it was. No, the people in the room will forever see the exploded remains of her cranium. They will forever see the brain matter dotting the walls and their bodies. The red splatter that coated them all. 

The beast stepped forward. Towards the body of the girl he cared for deeply. It was at the sight of that ghastly being that anger swept through his frame. An anger so immense, he didn't even think twice. Daniel scooped the gun from her limp hand, almost vomiting at the stale feel of her fingers. In one swift movement, he had the gun cocked and aimed straight at the bald scalp of the man in front of him. 

It was a standoff, similar to the one that occurred a mere minute ago. This time, this time there really was no other option. With brain matter and blood still softly clinging to the barrel, Daniel pulled the trigger. 

The loud BANG of the gunshot was instantly shadowed with a heavy, low thud. 

The Beast, Mama, was no longer capable of ruining any more lives. 

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