just a kid

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I watched as the undead gnawed at the air in front of his face. His arms were bending in, giving into the weight of the rotting corpse above him. The group with me only watched and it made me angry. It was obvious this guy wasn't trying.

I huffed, pulling my machete from it's sheath and stabbing it into the back of the zombies head. The point of it barely stopping against the mans nose.

I pulled the twice dead body off the man and placed my blade against his neck once again, only this time for a much different purpose.

"The next time you try and kill yourself like that again, I'll kill you."

He rolled his eyes, scoffing as he slapped my blade away. "You don't know what you're talking about."

"That walker weighed less than 100 pounds, I know very well what I'm talking about."

He brushed the back of his pants and sneered, "You're just a kid, I ain't gonna listen to no kid."

I let my face fall into a deep scowl, my eyes hard, "And you're weak!" I hissed. "You gon let this group watch you die like that. You lost one person and you ready to give up?!"

"Shut up!"

"No!" I screeched, not paying attention to the people around me, "Not until you get it through your fat head that you're not alone out here! If you die, that's on us! Now stop acting like a pussy and man up, you son of a bitch!"

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