Big Girls

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"woah woah wait! Wait!" Stiles shouted, his large hand latching onto Derek's shoulder. "What are you gonna do?"

Derek looked at the girl in the backseat, silently asking if this kid was dumb or just plain stupid. He turned back to Stiles with a glare.
"I'm going to distract her." He spoke slowly, enunciating his words to make sure Stiles understood.

"How, by punching her in the face?" He mimed decking someone in the face and Hailey couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"Just forget it, they're switching shifts anyway." She said, pointing towards the desk. A young man, obviously green, had come up to the desk, setting down a coffee mug. Hailey leaned forward from her place in the backseat and smirked, "Sorry, boys, this looks like a job for 'lil ole me."

She swung a thick leg over Derek, climbing out of the backseat with very little grace. Her tennis shoe got caught on the seatbelt and had to unravel it awkwardly. Her torso was covered in a thick sweater. It had no zipper and honestly wasn't a very flattering color. Workout tights covered her legs and pronounced the dip in between her hips and thighs.

"You? Stop playing around Hailey, get back in the Jeep." Stiles scoffed, his eyes hard.

Hailey narrowed her eyes, "Just because you don't like thicker girls, Stiles doesn't mean every man on Earth agrees with you."

Derek's eyes blew wide, his lips pursed. If she wasn't already glaring out Stiles she would've laughed.

"That's not what this is about." Stiles said, his tongue prepping his lips for the next lie to slip from them.

Hailey scoffed and stepped back, removing her sweater and fixing  her sports bra. It looks to be a bit loose around her rib cage but it held her breasts well. Smooth, tan skin, covered her torso and Derek had a hard time looking away from her. Her shoulders were broad and her arms were a bit on the thicker side. Her stomach wasn't flat either, it had a pouch on the end of it that slightly puffed the tights covering it. The tights themselves were highwaisted, accentuating the dip where her rib cage ended. She was hot.

"Hand me that water bottle, Derek." She said, already pinching her cheeks and other areas of her face. They slowly blossomed red, already giving her a nice blush. She pulled pieces of hair out of her ponytail and dabbed some water from the bottle along her hairline, the back of her ears, and on her chest. Small drops traveled in rivulets, dragging the boys' eyes along with it.

Smirking, she turned on her heel and marched through the door.

"You had the opportunity to get with her and you blew it off?"

Stiles glared at Derek, a deep breath coming from his nose, "It's a long story."

"Summarize it." Derek said shortly.

Stiles rolled his eyes and stayed quiet. He snuck at glance at Derek and rolled over immediately. "She kind of, told me she'd been in love with me for years."

Derek raised his eyebrows, prompting him to continue.

"I didn't feel the same way and she kept badgering for a reason and when I told her I liked someone else she started assuming all these things because of her weight and her body shape. Look, the entire thing blew out of proportion and now she's cross with me. That's all you need to know."

Derek rolled his eyes and got off the car, slamming the door shut behind him. "From the way you treated her just now and from what you're telling me, it sounds like she was right." He turned to Stiles, his eyes heavy with sternness, "You don't like big girls, Stiles."

Stiles was stunned for a moment but quickly regained his usual amount of sarcasm, "And you do?"

Derek chuckled and looked away. For a second, Stiles' heart stopped as he looked in the direction of the mans gaze. "Yeah. I do."

Derek walked into the station, not even bothering to hide, his arm went around Hailey's waist. She looked up at him and smiled. The officer at the desk looked between the two a flash of something going through his eyes. Meanwhile, Stiles was crawling on the floor, attempting to get past.
He didn't see the radiant smile the two beautiful people sent the deputy. He didn't see the dimples adorning the twos faced and certainly didn't see just how beautiful the two people could be.

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