Ghost of Lovers Past

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Ben looked at Rey. The warrior that brought him back from the dark side. The warrior that never gave up on the glimmer of light he didn't even know he had. Tears continued to stream down his face. He had healed her, brought her back from the brink of death but he knew it came with a price. He didn't know how long he had.

He hesitated.

His eyes kept catching on her lips but his mind kept catching on the thought of the woman before her.

I killed her. I don't deserve this. I don't deserve Rey.

Just as he was about to pull away, the smallest of hands rested on the back of his head, allowing Rey to take the opportunity to kiss him, full on the mouth. The link between the two seemed to strengthen. Their feelings, their emotions, their thoughts were now one.   Ben knew that this was it.

"Now, I don't know about the two of you, but from over here, that was a damn good kiss."

Ben laughed, tears still falling as he looked to his right, his hair falling around his face.

"Lania." He cried. He clutched onto Rey seeking comfort from her in his final moments.

The ghostly apparition of the woman he loved before rested a hand on his head and crouched down to his level. "You deserve the world, Ben." She took a deep breath and looked at Rey, resting a small hand on the woman's cheek, "Even if it isn't with me."

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