Legends of Aslan

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"Would you like to hear a story?"

She nodded, settling in to the crook of the woman's arm.

"You see, a long time ago before Narnia was ever established, where it was just a wood, nothing else. When the animals didn't talk and when the spirits didn't live in the trees. Where Aslan was the only thing even remotely magical. He happened upon the bank of a river. A beautiful River, with water the color turquoise and a waterfall as grande as the biggest castle. He looked down into it where the pebbles were smooth and the fish were shiny. He was meant to see his reflection but instead he saw a great vision."

" A girl with hair the golden color of wheat and eyes as Crystal as the water. Her lips were the red of a rose and her cheeks were flushed to perfection. It was then he decided, he wanted a daughter. So he took some dirt, a bit of the river water, he took a rose from the nearest bush, and a grain of wheat just a little ways away, then he molded it together. It was a ball, no bigger than his paw. He cared for it, nurtured it. He looked after it as if it were his own daughter. As Time passed, the ball grew. It grew in size and it grew in shape. It grew into a little child. The child had hair the golden color of wheat. With lips the red of a rose. And her eyes the turquoise of the water. She possessed the most magical of properties. Her beauty was unknown to the world and her kindness took her long ways away. Together, the two built Narnia from the ground up."

" She grew every year. And every year she only got more beautiful. Then one day, she stopped aging. And they couldn't figure out why. It didn't matter, for all she ever knew in her life was her father. Her father, the true ruler of Narnia, was all she ever needed in life. Until one day, The witch of winter casted a great curse  and foretold a prophecy. The prophecy stated that the daughter of Aslan would one day meet a man. A son of Adam. On that day, there would be a great war and she lose her life in it. Unless the son of Adam and the daughter of Aslan bind themselves in holy matrimony with a kiss. A kiss innocent from sinful feelings and ulterior motives. A kiss procured from true love."

"Did she ever get her kiss?" The child asked, innocence twinkling her eyes.

Wisteria smiled, tears pricking her eyes, "No, she didn't."

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