part 3 - the mall (aka harry stop-don't- don't take the shiny necklace- stap!)

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h/c- hair color

e/c- eye color

h/l- hair length

s/c- skin color

y/n- your name

You watched as harry looked around him with awe, tall buildings and many stores, multiple stands with items and food.

"so, they just...sell all this stuff? People don't just take it?" you giggled at his word choice as you passed by a cotton cady soda stand, oooooh cotton candy for $3! And soda and water for $1!

Turning around you paid for two Pepsi's and one cotton candy. Jogging back to harry you handed him the fluffy candy, he raised his brows, cautiously taking the candy.

"What is this lass?" Harry mumbled, tilting the candy back and forth, not trusting the fluffy cloud of sugar.

"its food" you chirped, ripping off a piece and tossing it in your mouth "you eat it!" harry watched as you hummed happily, doing a little dance as the candy melted in your mouth.

Harry took a piece and popped it in his mouth, gasping as he did, eyes widening at the taste.

"holy fuck-AH it vanished!" harry looked giddy, grinning down at you as he ate another piece, laughing when the cotton candy melted in his mouth, you giggled, taking another piece "it'll do that~"

You walked harry over to a bench so he could eat his candy in peace without bumping into anything, softly smiling at him as he happily munched on the cotton candy.

"so harry" you started, looking around at all the shops around you "where to first?" harry stopped, looking up and around, before pointing at a store labeled 'Hot Topic'

"tha' one" you grinned, ohohohoo harry did NOT know what he was getting into "kay~" harry tossed away the finished candy stick away, following you into the store, licking his fingers as you entered.

You watched as Harrys eyes sparkled at the apparel and items around you, graphic tees and stylish pants, rings and bracelets, fandom shoes, piercings, necklaces, hats, belts, everything.

And harry was particularly eyeing a very shiny necklace.

"harry no" you warned, seeing that familiar look in his eyes. "harry yes" he mumbled, reaching toward the necklace before you slapped his arm, grabbing the necklace for him.

"no stealing, I have the money to buy it, you idiot"

Harry pouted, but nodded, eyeing the necklace in your hands, a marvel punisher dog tag.

Glancing at the sign you saw 'jewelry: buy two get two free'

Smiling you turned back to harry, who was brushing through rings.

"harry, pick another accessory out for yourself, then pick two for me?"

He nodded, immediately picking out a wrapping tentacle ring. grinning you walked off, trusting harry not to take anything. a glint caught your eye and you gasped, a red leather skeleton jacket, two actually, one (your size) and the other Harrys. you grabbed them both, not bothering to look at the price tag, jogging back to the front you found harry holding two sets of rings.

one a set of the triforce symbol rings, power, courage, and wisdom, the other a...descendants 2 set.

you snorted, tapping the LOZ set "those look cooler, but if you want the D2 rings you can get them" harry nodded, glancing between the rings once more before putting the D2 rings back on the rack, picking up a skull bracelet, the tentacle ring, and the LOZ rings and handing them to you.

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