Chapter 4 - 'I don't like you..... I love you.'

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My ankle meant that I had to stay off school for the rest of the week, which was definitely a good thing because:  No school = No Michael. However, it was nearing the end of the week, which meant not long left till I have to go back again. I had quite enjoyed staying off, I got to catch up on things like my book and homework that I was meant to have done over the summer holidays, but I was never bothered to. However, I had spent the whole time sweating like crazy. Its the very beginning of September, so its still really hot, but I've had to wear long sleeved tops the whole time because of my arms. They're not pink scars, not anymore. There are fresh cuts there now. Fresh blood. But it just felt so good, the scarlet colour, the feel of it as its drips down my skin, leaving its red trail behind it. STOP CHARLOTTE!! I'm like a shark, once I see blood, I  need more, and more, and more. I was ashamed of myself for hurting my self again, but I needed to. The pain brings me back to reality, and anyway, I deserve it. Michael reminds me of that constantly. I should probably stop thinking about this.

     Monday... again... school... again... Michael... again. I pushed myself up out of bed, mentally preparing myself for the day ahead. I did the routine and set off. Oce again, the school seemed to appear a lot quicker than it should. Luckily, I managed to reach my form without seeing him, in fact, I found out that no-one had seen them. Strange, but good for me. Neither Michael or Chantelle were in at all throughout the day. I was so grateful, although I did wonder where they were. I almost felt like I missed him, but maybe it was just looking at him. He is very hot. Charlotte!! I definitely shouldn't be thinking like that, especially seeing as he is my bully. 

     Thursday, and still no sign of Michael or the slut. I was very perplexed, but I tried not to dwell on it. The day went past like the the three days previously.

     It was Friday. Neither of them were at school. A whole week of school with no-one there who wanted to hurt me! I felt very lucky. I had seen Bradley, my helper, around school, but whenever he noticed me, he seemed to become very shy and run away. Peopole kept laughing and joking, saying that he fancied me or something. I even believed it at first, but there was no way that anyone would like me, especially not someone popular like himm, was there? However, at the end of the school day, he actually came up to me. I was very relieved, I thought he was maybe annoyed at me. He looked so shy and nervous, it was quite cute. Not a word was said, he just smiled and handed me a folded up piece of paper, then he was gone again. I decided I would wait until I got home to open it up. 

     I was finally home, it had seemed like an age to get there, probably because I was so excited to open up the piece of paper. But I was also a bit apprehensive, I had absolutely no idea what it might say. When I got in, I tried to sneak away and open it, but my mum  made me do the usual stuff like get dressed and sort my bag out etc. When I was finslly done, I settled on my bed and pulled it out the pocket. It was strange, even though I had no idea what was on it, or what it meant, this little piece of crinkled up, lined paper (that looked like it had been ripped out of a book, may I add) seemed so important. My fingers were trembling as I unfolded it, making sure not to rip. It said:

                                                                      07804 035783                                                                                                                                     I like you Charlotte, like, REALLY like you                                                                                                                                            ♥ ;)

     I couldn't believe it! He liked me?? I had a feeling that this was all one big joke, or a dare from friends. I added the number and sent a text saying:

                        'Do you actually mean it?'

     2 minutes later, the reply came:

                        'Well, I did, but now I realise it's not true...'

     My heart sank . I knew it! I had expected the worst, but yet I wasn't prepared for it. Then I heard anothing 'ping' go off, signalling my phone had recieved a text. I swiped open the lock:

                        'I don't like you.....  I love you.'


omg! he loves her :) awwwwwwwwww. what shoudl their ship name be??? Chadley??? Bralotte???  I can't choose!! So, i hope you enjoyed the chapter. went a bit deep with the bit about self-harm, but i had a happy end at least :) and where do you think Michael and Chantelle are?? Anyway... Thanks for reading :)

My Bully... Michael Clifford *On Hold*Where stories live. Discover now