Chapter 8 - My eyelids fluttered open...

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The red blood appeared instantly as I did it again and again and agaain. I had failed myself and the whole world! The blade fell to the floor as the whole world went black around me.

My eyelids fluttered open and I pushed myself up. At first, I was confused because of my surroundings. But then everything flooded back. I remembered running into the bathroom. I remember pulling the blade across my arm to draw blood. And I remember fainting after the blade fell out of my hand. The blade!! My hands searched hurriedly around the floor until, at last, I located it. I tucked it into my back pocket and heaved a great sigh of relief. Then I noticed it. The big pool of blood on the floor. I looked at my arm to see the deepest cuts I've ever done. I didn't realise that I had gone that deep! I ripped a huge length of toilet paper off the roll and tightly wrapped it around my arm. Attempting to stop the blood. But it went straight through it as if it wasn't there. I started to panic. I didn't know what to do. I ended up grabbing one of their towels and forming a makeshift bandage around my arm. I felt guilty but I promised to myself that I would buy them a new one. Then I grabbed the roll of toilet paper and started mopping up the blood on the floor. Once I was finished, I chucked all of the used paper in the toilet and flushed it. Then I unwrapped the towel to check the cuts. Thankfully, they had stopped bleeding so I took the towel off and balled it up. I unlocked the door and stepped out. There was no one there and Bradley's door was shut. I took in a big gulp of breath and knocked on his door.

Hey guys. Sorry for such a short chapter. The next one is going to be really long even without this bit, so I decided to do them separately. Hope you are enjoying the story. Anyway... Thanks for reading! :)

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