Chapter 6 - "I'm taking you to my house today."

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Yay! It was Monday! And yes; I was actually excited to go to school for once! I mean, of course I am not excited to see Michael, but Bradley is there, and that's all I care about right now. I chucked my clothes on, put some make-up on and grabbed a breakfast as I walked out the door. I arrived at school really quickly and went. Suddenly, I felt a pair of arms wrap around me from behind. The mystery person whispered in my ear:

      "Hey babe."

     I realised straight away who it was. I spun around to see his beautiful face. Bradley. I kind of can't believe that he loves me. He smiled and winked at me and the skin on my cheeks went bright red. I gave him a little kiss on his cheek and walked away, swinging my hips as I went. I looked at him over my shoulder and winked. As I did so, I saw that he was very excited... Down there.

      It was the end of the school day and I was meant to meet Bradley outside the front reception. He was already there when I arrived, looking as hot as ever. He gave me a big hug when I arrived.

     "I'm taking you to my house today," he said with a big grin on his face. I smiled back and we set off. As we walked, we talked about various things such as school and homework. We then arrived on the subject of my bullies and their whereabouts. I had seen Chantelle today, but she looked very alone without her boyfriend. I asked where they were:

     "Well, when I foumd out that it was them who had caused you so much pain that day, and many times before, I was so angry that they would hurt a beautiful, sweet girl like you. And, I just... I couldn't help myself okay?!" He looked down in shame.

     "What... what did you do?" I asked gently, lifting his chin up so he was looking at me

     "I'm sorry Charlotte, I hope you don't hate me because of this. I... I couldn't stand it so I... I beat them up." I couldn't believe that someone would do something like this for me! It's so cute. "Anyway, here we are Charlotte. Meet my parents."

************************************************************** Hi guys, I'm so sorry that I haven't uploaded recently, I have just been really busy. I hope you like the chapter. Thank you for supporting me. Anyway..... Thanks for reading! :)

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