Chapter 11 -"What do you want from me?!"

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I wasn't looking into the face of my boyfriend, I was looking at my bully, Michael. I instinctively cowered back and squeezed my eyes shut, hoping it was a dream, or a nightmare. Unfortunately, it wasn't. My breath came in shallow gasps and I panicked. I tried to wriggle free but Michael just held onto my more firmly. Desperately, I squirmed, but he had an iron grip. I started to panic even more, not only was I being held tightly by my bully, I was feeling claustraphobic and I had no idea where Bradley was. Michael could have hurt him. He could be lying somewhere, unconscious, bleeding to death. The tears started to trickle down my cheeks

     "What do you want from me?" I sob. "Have you hurt him?"

     "Who? Your shitty boyfriend? Nah, he is just late because he was too busy prettying himself up. I swear he wears more makeup than you do. To be honest, I don't really understand what you see in him." I heaved a great sigh of relief. He was fine!

     "What about your slut, oh sorry, girlfriend?" He almost smiled when I 'accidentally' called her a slut.

     "Long gone. Got bored of her. Too clingy for me. So now you have no competition," He winked at me and I replied with a questioning look. Why would I worry about having competition. It's not like I want to go out with him anyway... I don't think. No, of course not. I have Bradley and I'm happy.

     We ended up going for a walk round the park whilst I waited for Bradley. It felt really awkward at first but after a while we were talking as if we were friends. We talked about people at school and life at home etc. I told him about my evening at Bradley's house (leaving out the episode in the bathroom) and he told me about when he went out with Chantelle and how he dumped her. We both ranted about how bad the school food is and we discussed which teachers are nice and which are really strict and which are just plain annoying. I even laughed at one point when we were talking about the various different things this one kid had done. Apparently, he had gone round saying that people's names were copyrighted. Like what the hell, who does that?!?! After a while, we got bored of walking so we sat down. I told him about the only other boyfriend I had had and how he dumped me for some random slut, who he then dumped within a week. After I had told him that story, I sat back and thought for a bit. Even though it was ages ago, I still get a bit upset about my ex. In fact, I even found myself missing him sometimes. He was so sweet. I missed the sound of his voice telling me he loved me. I missed the warm touch of his arms as he hugged me . I missed the time he got caught because he had been mouthing 'I love you' to me during a test. Suddenly, I snapped back to the present. I could feel wetness again on my cheeks. I wiped them away quickly, but I could see that Michael had noticed. But instead of the mocking words I expected, he softly put his arms arond me and pulled me towards him. Instead of being awkward and me trying to escape, this time I leant into him and wrapped my arms tightly around his middle as I cried into his shirt. I could feel the salt in my mouth as the tears just kept coming and coming.

     "Im sorry," I sobed.

     "It's ok darling, it's ok. Just let it all out." I think we were sitting there for a full ten minutes before I had cried myself out. The whole time he just held me, occasionally stroking my hair or muttering "It's ok." into my ear. Once I had calmed myself down, I leant back and looked up at him. I couldn't believe that someone who was so mean to me, could also have such a soft side. I could feel the tears threatening to nearly come back, but I squeezed my eyes shut to stop them. But then, something strange happened, I felt Michael's lips on mine. But unlike any other times, it was softer and gentler. It wasn't forced.In fact, I found myself kissing him back. I didn't remember making a conscious decision to kiss him back, I just was. It felt like the most natural thing in the world. I was confused by how much I was enjoying this. It felt like it was meant to happen. That Michael and I were meant to kiss on a park bench. Then, just as sudden as it had started, Michael broke away. He gave me a look that I couldn't understand. He almost looked scared or nervous. Then, he gave me a quick peck on the forehead and stood up and left. I was left, bewildered on the bench. Once again, I was left sitting there trying to work out what had happened, by Michael. But for the first time, I din't feel like I had just been taken advantage of, instead I fel strangely... satisfied?


Whoo!!!!!!!!! Update :)  I love this chapter. WE HAVE A MARLOTTE SCENE!!!!!!!!!  what does it mean?!?!?!?!?! Please tell what you think in the comments and vote if you like it :) I really appeciate every single on of you reading ym story. It was my birthday on tuesday and I got a wireless bluetooth keyboard so now it's easier to type :) Love you all :* Anyway... Thank for reading! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2014 ⏰

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