Chapter 7 - "Let's go upstairs."

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      "Anyway, here we are Charlotte. Meet my parents." I looked up to see a couple standing in the doorway, beaming down at us. I smiled shyly. "This is my mum, Susanne."

     "Hi Susanne," I said quietly. She smiled once again. She was a very beautiful lady. Her hair was a deep red and she had the most beautiful, deep, chocolate brown eyes I've ever seen. It felt like I was almost sinking down into them.

     "And this is my Dad, Michael." I instantanly cringed when I heard the name. I cowered back but I felt Bradley's hand on my shoulder. He pulled me into a hug. "I know that the name scares you, and I'm sorry. But my Dad is lovely and will treat you fine." I breathed deeply and looked back at his Dad.

      "Hi, Michael. I... I'm sorry." He gave me a kind smile.

     "It's ok, sweetheart." I breathed deeply to calm myself and stepped inside. The house looked and smeeled quite new. It also looked quite big, but not overly huge. Bradley gently tugged me by the arm into the living room where we settled down to watch The Fault In Our Stars. At first, I sat down a normal distance away from him, but he pulled me over so I was leaning against his side. I kissed him on the cheek and then started to watch the film properly. When it got to the end, I cried into his shoulder whilst Brad comforted me, but I could see he had tears in his eyes too. Afterwards, we ate fajitas. They were delicious, and I even ate too, which is actually saying quite a lot because I don't eat much.

     It got to the end of the meal, and I had just had my last bite of desert when Bradley said: "Let's go upstairs. I want to show you my room." We went up. His room had a sign on it saying his name and also a picture which looked like it had be drawn by a little kid. I gave him a questioning look. "My little brother drew it for me." I smiled as we went it. It was so cute that a big, tough boy like him would still put up drawings by younger siblings. His room was mainly black and white with little bursts of colour around like his speakers which were red and his lamp next to his bed which was a dark blue. I sat on the bed a bit awkwardly, but, after putting some music on, he sat down next to me and I felt better.

     "I like your room."

     "Thanks. Are you OK? You look quite pale." His voice was full of concern. I was actually a bit nervous. I was worried that he would find out about the cuts up my arm and hate me for them.

     "Yeah, I'm fine."

     "You don't look it. I can take you home if you like."He tried to carry on but I silenced him with a kiss. His lips were soft against mine. I deepened the kiss. He had one hand on my waist and the other on the small of back, pressing me closer to him. My hands snaked around his neck and bunched into fists in his hair. Suddenly, he broke away. I was shocked but all he did was lock the door and then come back over. This time, I got up and sat back down on his lap, straddling him. We kissed again and I could feel a bulge in his trousers. He went to take off my top but I stopped him. My hand went instinctively to my arm.

     "What's wrong babe?"

     "Nothing." I tried to kiss him again but he wouldn't let me.

     "No, something's wrong!" He noticed my hand which was still wrapped firmly around my arm. He gently pulled my hands off, brushing off my resistance as if it was a newborn baby pushing him. He pulled my sleeve up. I yanked it away but he had already seen them. The look on his face said everything. I could feel the tears falling down as I ran to the bathroom. I locked the door and slid my back down it until I was sitting on the floor. The tears came thick and fast. I pulled a blade out my pocket and gritted my teeth as I drew it across my arm. The red blood appeared instantly as I did it again and again and again. I had failed myself and the whole world! The blade fell to the floor as the whole world went black around me.

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