Chapter 1 - The R.I.P.D (Rest in Peace Department)

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He looks at me every day. Detective Tom Lone. Oh, boy. If he only knew how I felt about him. But he can never know. I made a choice once to live a life of responsibility. A life he could never be a part of. Who am I? I'm the Black Cat, given a job to do. And I'm Felicia Hardy, and I, too, have a job.

I was flushed out of a sewer pipe - a big one - which Yuki gave me 9 lives and powers of a cat. Their abilities, their behaviour, that sort of thing. I work as a waitress alongside my childhood best friend, Peter Maximoff (aka Quicksilver) and my brother Rafe, become partners with a white, female cat named Yuki and fall in love with Detective Lone. Again, he's a detective and more into dangers and risks; plus, he has a crush on the Black Cat. Me.

Tom told me his true feelings, but I wasn't very sure about this. So, I thought that if I say that I loved him, he would find out who I was. If I didn't, it will take him a long time to find out. So, I said that I will be his friend, and walked away. He knew that something's wrong with me.

1990. The start of the 90s. New technology, upcoming projects, me and my superhero duties. Tom has visited less and less in Mrs Lovett's. What's worse, he's still upset with me from a year ago when I rejected his love for him and remains solitary and lovelorn.


Last year, 1989...

"It was you, Felicia," Tom said, smiling."I kept thinking: I hope I make it through this... so I can see Felicia Hardy's face one more time."

"Really?" I asked, finally.

"There's only one woman who's always been there for me... who makes me feel... like I'm more than I ever thought I could be. That I'm just... me. And that's okay. The truth is... I love you. I love you so much, Felicia."

"I can't..."

"You can't what?"

"Tell you... everything. I mean, there's so much to tell."

"Yeah. There's so much to tell."

"I want you to know... that I will always be there for you. I will always be there to take care of you. I promise you that. I will always be your friend."

"Only a friend... Felicia Hardy?"

"That's all I have to give."


That conversation with Tom still haunts me as a distraction from my duties as a hero and towards him.

I've also changed my appearance: I have a stud ring on my left eyebrow, a small gem stud on my nose and a complex ring on my right hand. Today, I was on duty at the counter in my mom's bakery, cleaning the cups and bottles when Peter poked his head of the kitchen.

"Felicia, someone's on the phone for you. It's very... odd." Peter said, confused.

"That's odd. I wonder who it could be." I replied, putting my glass down.

I held the phone to my ear and turned the volume up.

"Hello?" I asked, curiously.

"Is this Felicia Hardy?" The voice asked.

"Yes, why?"

"I need you to go outside, please. And grab your stuff - you're going to need it."

"Who is this, and what do you want from me?"

"Please. It's serious." There's a pause."We know that you're the Black Cat."

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