Ch: 5 Waking Up

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I woke up to the sounds of movement near me. I had fallen asleep in a chair in the kitchen, and it seem that the others were staring to wake up. I looked around and saw Wanda and Natasha sitting up slowly.

"What happened?" The red haired woman asked.

"Lannah. A power we didn't know of, she lost control and you all fell unconscious." I explained.

"You say that like you didn't just wake up as well." The spy remarked.

"I may of just woken, but that doesn't mean I was unconscious for the same reason as you. For your information I was the one who stopped Lannah and ceased the attack on all of us. I was also one of the only ones to stay awake the entire time, along with my brother and the captain."

"Where is she?" Wanda asked me.

"Over here."

The two slowly stood up and walked towards me. Lannah was still out cold, and I would bet she will stay like that for a while.

"You knew about this power didn't you?" I asked Wanda.

She nodded slightly, "Lannah asked me not to tell anyone. She said she had it under control. She hates the power and doesn't want to use it, ever. I don't know what would of happened for her to loose control enough for her to attack all of us with the power."

"I'm still confused," Natasha stated, "what's her power?"

"She inflicts pain on others. Horrible unbearable pain. This power can literally kill people if she holds it for long enough."

"I feel, that had I been a minute or two slower, some of you would no longer be alive." I turned to the two women, "Rogers went out to see if anyone else was affected, and I'm unsure where my brother is, or if Rogers is back. Stay here for a few minutes and gather your strength back while I find the others."

Before either woman could respond I walked out of the kitchen, and towards Thor's bedroom. I didn't bother knocking, knowing he would probably but sleeping, I just walked through the closed door.

My brother was laying sprawled out on his, still made, bed. He wore jeans, a tshirt, a plaid shirt and a jacket, as well as a pair of boots, so I know he just passes out as soon as he lied down.

"Thor!" I called out to my brother, he jumped and rolled onto his back.

"Loki? What is it?"

"Wanda and Natasha woke up. I came to find you and figure out if Steve is back yet."

He looked at me confused for a moment, then nodded. "Right. He should be, I heard him come in as I came in here."

I sighed slightly, "Friday, where is Steve?"

"He is in the living room, asleep in the couch."

As Thor slowly stood, I walked towards the door. I heard him follow closely behind as I headed down the hall.

When I arrived in the living room I found the captain passed out on the couch. His shield was thrown next to him, and he lay in a position that suggested he fell onto the couch instead of laying down himself. I shook his shoulders slightly but he did not budge.

"I doubt I will be able to wake him right now. He spent a lot of energy checking the damage, so he will most likely be out for a while. It is probably safe to assume that since neither of us were informed of anything he found nothing wrong."

My brother nodded but said nothing as we returned to the kitchen. We found Natasha helping Clint sit up as he looked around confused. Sam, Rohdey and Tony were also starting to come too.

It was just then that I noticed that vision was no longer in the kitchen. "Friday, where is Vision?"

"When Lannah freaked out he went downstairs and that's where he has been since."

"I'll go find him," Wanda volunteered.

The young woman exited the kitchen and I looked at the "heroes" around me. They were all confused and disoriented.

Tony looked over at me, "What's going on? If you did something to us reindeer games, I swear I don't care what Odin and Fury say, I will kill you here and now."

"Calm yourself stark." My brother said before I could defend myself. "Loki saved your life, so have care how you speak."

"What do you mean saved our lives?" Sam asked.

"Lannah freaked out and used a power we were unaware of. She inflicted horrible pain on all of us, and I stopped her. If I had been any slower though, you would all be dead." I explained in a flat tone.

"Where is she?" Clint asked. I lead them into the kitchen and showed them her sleeping form. The archer reached out and laid his hand on her shoulder. She shifted slightly and moaned in what was most likely pain.

Everyone rushed to her side and she slowly opened her eyes. I was standing opposite Clint on her other side. She turned her head to look at me, and grasped my arm. I was surprised by the tightness of the grip, considering she just woke up.

"Did anyone...?" She didn't finish her sentence, the worlds wouldn't leave her mouth, but I knew what she meant.

I shook my head, "No. Everyone is okay, a little shaken up, but alive."

She sighed and visibly relaxed. She closed her eyes again, but I knew she wasn't asleep, her expression was still full of pain.

Thor placed his hand on my shoulder. "We should let her get some sleep. I'll take her back to her room-"

Lannah cut him off, "No. I'm okay, just give me a minute. I'll try to explain, I just need a minute."

I was about to object, but Lannah tightened her grip on my arm. I knew she wasn't going to take no for an answer right now, so it would be best to go along with what she said.

Hey y'all.

I don't know what to say, this is very late. Umm yeah I'm not sure what happened exactly but I just didn't write for a while. I would get on here, open the story and just stare at it. I don't know how long it took for me to write this chapter, and nothing really even happened in it. I'm sorry for making y'all wait so long for a stupid chapter, I'mma try and update more, for real. Like imma start writing the next chapter now, but who knows how much good that'll do.

If you are reading this book, and you like it at all, like even if it a just that you don't absolutely hate it, please tell me. When I see comments it motivates me, and sometimes it just feels like no one cares about this story so I don't write. So what I'm trying to say is comment please, and vote, but if your just gonna do one, please comment. It means more than you know.

Thanks for being patient!!!!

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