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"Taeyong, what's wrong?" Jaehyun asked, pushing up his glasses as the boy in front if him raged.

Taeyong's hands were covered in bandage, fresh blood seeping through the cloth as a result of his previous act of violence.

Jaehyun for the life of him couldn't understand why Taeyong was being like this. Since last week he kept getting into fights, either losing or winning them. But always left with a bloodied and bruised face.

"I'll kill that asshole. I swear to god, if I lay hands on him again-" he kept raging.

"What happened to your hands?" Jaehyun asked quietly.

Taeyong looked disconcerted for a moment then answered, "What do you mean what happened, you saw me bash him up then bang my hands on the glass."

"Your hands were like that since morning." Jaehyun said.

He had caught on fast.

"For pete's sake Jae, I don't have time to spare on your Sherlock skills." Taeyong said in a voice laced with poison.

And Jaehyun felt that. He flinched and felt surprisingly upset at that.

"You've changed Tae." he said, looking down at his feet.

"So what? People change all the time Jae. You'll change too someday." the other boy said.

He picked up his bag and started walking away.

"So long then Jae." he said and waved his bandaged hand without turning back.

Little did Jaehyun know that this was going to be the last friendly, well close to a friendly meeting, he was going to have with his best friend.

A New Day   ( NCT Taeyong x Jaehyun )Where stories live. Discover now