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"I used to think of you as a free spirit honestly. That one time you dyed your hair. It looked so cool. I really admired you...respected you for that." Jaehyun said, almost in awe, sitting on the grassy open land, where they stopped for a short break before driving again.

"You were wrong big time mate." Taeyong replied, regardless smiling at what Jaehyun just said.

"I used to think that maybe studying hard everyday was your means of escaping.  That it was your way of distracting yourself from everything,  just like how...like how..." he hesitated before saying, "Like how harming myself was a distraction to me." he finished, plucking a grass blade from the ground.

This time of the day the sun was pleasant, giving them a warmth in the cold winters.

"You've got nothing to be ashamed of." Jaehyun said softly, leaning back on the grass.

"Everybody has a way for survival. It's just...It can vary from person to person." he said.

"But I wasn't supposed to survive." Taeyong said quietly.

"But you did. And that's what matters." Jaehyun said.

They both lay down feeling the warm rays of sun shine on them. A relief from the biting cold.

A reminder that there's always light at the end of the tunnel.

A reminder that the sun never loses its light. It may be hidden behind the clouds, but it always re-appers, to shine bright as always.

"I was glad you called me that day Tae." Jaehyun said, a sudden warmth that had nothing to do with the sun, blooming like a flower inside him.

He looked over at Taeyong and smiled brightly.

"Yea...I'm glad I did too." Taeyong replied.

In his chase for a better life, for a life where people would understand him, he had forgotten and ignored the very person who had saved him from hell each day.

He had forgotten that friend, whom he had looked up to each day.

They both closed their eyes as they felt the bright sun shining upon them.

A new day had just begun. And they had each other by their side.

Everything was going to be alright now.


A New Day   ( NCT Taeyong x Jaehyun )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz