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"Why didn't you do something Jae?" Taeyong asked.

For the first time Jaehyun spoke. His voice coming out raspy after the lack of use.

"I thought I could keep an eye on you from a distance. But that was a big mistake." He said.

"Maintaining that distance was a...a blunder on my part. I forgot that more the distance, more chances of me losing you in the crowd." he added.

"You knew...that I was doing it on purpose." Taeyong whispered, tears flowing down his cheeks. He made no attempt to wipe them away.

"I knew Tae, I knew you wanted some attention, someone to listen to you..to your needs, to look after you. But I'm so sorry I couldn't be there." Jaehyun said, bowing his head as if in shame.

"But you were always watching" Taeyoung sniffed. 

"You were always helping in your own little ways. Maybe...maybe secretly, some part of me liked that. Liked that attention I got. And I got more desperate to receive it...until-" now he completely broke, sobbing uncontrollably, his shoulders shaking.

"You were my friend." Jaehyun said simply. 

And that's what Taeyong had forgotten. He had forgotten the true meaning of a friend, oblivious to that one light at the end of the tunnel, as he deliberately stumbled along the darkness, getting lost on purpose.

Jaehyun looked at him.

He was like a piece of glass. So fragile, he broke under the pressure. He no longer was a perfect piece of glass. He was a broken and patched up glass. Covered with tapes and glue.

But right now, sitting on the cold floor with him, Jaehyun saw the tapes coming loose, as the glass threatened to crumble again. And it did.

All the pieces scattered, even the stongest tape in this world would no longer be able to patch him up.

He had to be made again. A new glass in place of the old, broken one had to be made.

And right then Jaehyun promised to do that.

Sure it would take time and patience. But first he had to clear up the mess.

Pick each and every piece of glass, no matter how small, and discard of them. He would probably get pricked by them, the smallest pieces invisible to the naked eye, splintering his fingers, he would have to bleed but it was okay.

He was okay as long as he got this boy back on his feet.

For now, he hugged the sobbing boy tightly. He won't let go this time.

A New Day   ( NCT Taeyong x Jaehyun )Where stories live. Discover now