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Weeks passed by, then months.

It was finally graduation day.

Jaehyun had always looked forward to this day, when he would graduate together with his best mate Taeyong.


Taeyong didn't graduate.

He had skipped way too many school days, and had flunked big time in his exams. He would have to repeat a whole year.

With time, they had grown apart, Taeyong slipping into bad company and Jaehyun studying his ass off for college entrance exam.





Jaehyun was burdened by these and many more countless expectations of the society.

While Taeyong, who stopped giving a damn about these a long time ago, was like a free spirit. He wasn't burdened by this endless cycle of misery.

Jaehyun was still worried about Taeyong, however whenever he tried to start a conversation with him,it would be in vain.

He never gave up really, but aware of the fact that Taeyong was getting pissed off at his consistent effort, and afraid it would create a greater rift between them, he toned down.

Until one day. A week before their graduation day, he was walking to the library when he noticed a huge crowd in front of the boys' washroom.

Curious, he headed over and tried to see what the fuss was about.

"Crap, never thought that this guy could be such a sissy." he heard a guy sneer.

"Yeah bro, its so sick, like literally who cuts their wrist?!" His friend replied.

Jaehyun's eyes grew wide.

Wait what? Was this what he thought it was?

Who cut their wrist again?

Before he could venture any further, he saw two boys dragging out another boy between them as the people made way for them.

He tried catching the boy's face. But that was unecessary.

The boy had flaming red hair.

Jaehyun froze on his spot. His mind not able to take the whole situation in.

He knew that Taeyong had got into trouble last week with the school.

It wasn't the whole situation of dyeing his hair. It was the colour.

He had dyed them a flaming red.

A New Day   ( NCT Taeyong x Jaehyun )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora