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Taeyong puffed out his breath making it foggy in front of him as he pulled his padded jacket closer to him.

He was waiting for Jaehyun to pick him up.

They were going to town. To their house.

In no time Jaehyun arrived, and Taeyong quickly got in, glad to be out of the cold.

"What took you so long Jae?" he whined.

"Sorry, my boss..." he trailed off.

Taeyong understood. He always did. He knew Jaehyun was a busy person, and that he had barely managed to get a few days' leave had it not been for his consistent performance at office.

He looked out of the window, at the streetlamps shining brightly again the darkening sky.

They would take an overnight bus and reach their destination early in the morning.

Honestly he didn't trust himself enough to go by himself. He knew he wouldn't be able to handle it himself. Therefore he was glad that Jae was going with him.

With Jaehyun by his side, he was invincible.

Or so he liked to think.

With Jaehyun he was safe.

A New Day   ( NCT Taeyong x Jaehyun )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora