𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗯𝗹𝗲𝗺𝘀 𝗔𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗲

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𝗛𝗮𝗿𝗿𝘆'𝘀 𝗣.𝗢.𝗩.
Finally ,after a life time, classes were over for the day. I really needed to take a piss though. But, if I went to the normal bathrooms I would be hounded by fan girls and boys. So maybe, I possibly went to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. As I quickly walked to the bathroom, I thanked God that Professor McGonagall let us 8th years wear whatever. Without the heavy robes we had to wear every day, it was much easier to walk around freely.
Finally, I can take a goddamn piss. After a few minutes, I was just going leave the stall but, I heard someone run in. I should probably wait this out. After all I would want some privacy.Suddenly though, I heard crying. Not too loud at first but, then suddenly sobbing. I was getting quite worried. And, my anxiety worsened when I heard the person repeatedly saying, "I'm n-nothing, I d-deserve to..to d-die! I s-should've.. w-why aren't I?". Then i heard the breaking of glass or some other surface. I couldn't move. This person was obviously a boy and, in desperate need of help.
        I heard screaming and then, I burst out of the stall and was shocked. In front of me was a messy haired, pale, sobbing, bloody, Draco Malfoy. He spun around, with a broken ledged face. "Shit. Shit, shit, shit.", he kept muttering. He was running a hand through his hair, bright red droplets falling into his hair. He looked broken. As if, he were a glass bottle you just dropped.
        "Draco? Are you alright-"
       "No. No I'm not fucking alright, Potter. So just leave me alone.", he spat out. Then, he dropped to the floor, wrapping his arms around his knees. Slowly, I walked over to him, noticing how he was trembling tremendously. I sat down on the floor next to him, gulping at the huge amount of blood being lost. I thought to myself, If I were in his position I would want some comfort. Should I hug him? Talk to him? Sighing, I enclosed him in a tight hug. I felt him tense and then, relax. I smiled at that, him ,Draco Malfoy, letting me comfort him. I slowly started rubbing small circles on his back.
"W-why a-are you h-helping me..?", he said with tears rolling down his cheeks. At that, my heart clenched. No one, should have to go through this.
"Because, everybody deserves help and comfort. If I was going through a something difficult, I would want someone to acknowledge it. So I'm doing that for you.", I said softly. Then I slowly looked over Draco, (When had I started calling him Draco? Whatever, this is more important.) too make sure he wasn't hurt anywhere else, and noticed a star on the floor.
"This fell out of your hair-", he looked at it with wide eyes and, his breath hitched. Draco squeezed his eyes shut, and more tears fell mixing with the blood on the floor.
"No, I can't take it back. All these stars represent someone I love or care about, or someone who I know loves and cares about me. I took that one out on purpose. As you can see, there aren't many stars left.", as he said that, I inhaled sharply. I grabbed my wand and transfigured the toilet paper into bandages. Draco looked at me wearily. I reached for his arm and he let me touch the injuries. I stood up, and helped him up also. I washed all the cuts, some new, some old. But, they all had one thing in common. They were supposed to hurt him. I looked in the mirror for a second, noticing how they were watery. After I tightly wrapped his arm I engulfed my ex-nemesis, in another hug. This time, he practically melted into it. My arms were around his waist while, his were around my shoulders and his head was in the crook of my neck. I felt hot tears, rolling down and heard him sniffling.
      "Draco.. I know we don't always see eye to eye but, I want to help you. No one, deserves to go through this. So, I promise I'll help you.Oh and, add another star into your hair will you? There's always so many people that care about you, and I'm now one of them.". At this I heard him softly gasp, then say,

       "Thank you, Harry.. For this.. and for letting me get snot all over your shirt."

Hello! jajsjekeow. i think that was a bit fluffy/angsty. basjiweois. please leave some suggestions for the next chapter! loaf you all!


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