Hangover Blues

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Draco's P.O.V.
I woke up with a killer headache. Remembering only yesterday's booze-filled day. Groaning, as I got up I stumbled, going over to the common room. Sitting there ,as fresh as a daisy, was Pansy with a bunch hangover potions.
"Morning, hoe. Thanks to your 'spa day', I now have a fucking terrible headache.", I said grumpily.
"Hey, hey, hey! What crawled up your ass today? Oh, and remember I have the potions.", she said innocently. I glared at her, and she held out one of the bottles. As I was drinking Pansy said, "So, when did Harry, Hermione and Ron find you?". I nearly choked.
"Did you just say Harry?!? And, when did they find-", and suddenly, all the memories of yesterday came flooding back. Oh, Merlin. Shit. Shit, shit, shit. The Golden Trio, heroes of the Wizarding World, just fucking caught me, acting as if I were on crack. I cried, in front of them. I fucking held Potter's hand. My face was burning up. Pansy looked at me and laughed. The nerve this girl has.
"I'm going to take a walk, and see if the squid drowns me.", I said sulking.
"Alright darling. Have fun! If you see Hermione tell her thank you for me!", she called after me.
I started walking around, wishing I had put on a thicker jumper. It was getting quite cold nowadays.
As I walked, I heard someone talking. They sounded like they were having an argument.
"Hermione, we don't have a right to tell anyone!" ,a muffled voice said. "It's his life, he can do whatever the bloody hell he wants!", another voice was heard.
I didn't know what to do so I started to walk away but, I heard-
"Harry! Ronald! Do you hear yourselves?! Draco needs obvious help! Have you ever seen him eating ever?! No! He's super pale, and looks like he never sleeps! Yesterday he freaked out, had a panic attack and, apparently HE CUTS! We need to tell McGonagall or someone!!", the girl said. I realized what she had said and processed who were talking. Potter, Weasley, and Granger. They were talking about me. Not to mention, Weasley and Potter were defending me. I heard some more talking but, I couldn't hear anything else. I was scared. Petrified. If people found out about my terrible mental and physical health, they would think I was even more of a fucktard. I was just about to turn around but, since life's not on my side, right then Potter walked out. Shit. I tried walking away quickly, since he still hadn't noticed me but, my shoes squeaked against the polished floor. Potter turned around quickly his eyes widening.
"Oh, Draco... I'm sorry you had to hear that.. Hey, hey, hey, don't cry..", he said softly. I didn't realize I was until his thumb grazed my face.
I looked away quickly and felt my face burn up. More tears fell. Why would they care? They can embarrass me with my biggest secret, and Potter and the Weasel are refusing?! What the bloody hell is going on!?
"Did-did you te-tell then about the- you know 'arm checks'?", I asked quietly. My voice had cracked when I said 'arm checks' and I just overflowed even more. I've never cried so much in my life. My father always told me 'Remember Draco, emotion is weakness. You have to lock them away.'. I noticed another figure, not being able to tell who it was. I took a few steps back, trying to leave before another student noticed, but, Potter grabbed my hand.
"Come into the classroom you can hide there.", he said dragging me in. As soon as we were and Weasley and Granger saw the tears on my face, they had very different reactions. Weasley stared pointedly at Granger, and she looked at me with a look of worry on her face. Potter still hadn't let go of my hand so, I didn't either.
Then suddenly I felt arms wrap around me in a comfortable hug. I was stunned for a moment but, quickly returned the gesture of kindness. I buried my face in the crook of his neck and, he rubbed circles on my back. He really had a habit of doing that. I don't know why but, the hangover blues really got to me today.

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