Time For Snuggles and Veritaserum

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Harry's P.O.V

"And here we have a Draco Malfoy, in it's natural habitat. He seems to have clung to another wild Harry Potter. The Draco seems to be drunk with a flustered Harry.", Seamus narrated in an overly, loud announcer voice.
"Shut up Seamus. He's going to fall over if he walks and I don't want to deal with a bloody nose.",I grumbled as we walked back to the hotel. Dean was running in circles with Ron doing random crap. Theo and Pansy ,who handled alcohol better, were chatting about something else. Hermione was with Neville and Blaise in the back.
"Sooooooo.. What did he say?" , Seamus asked out of earshot of anyone else. I looked away and Seamus continued to stare at me.
"He.. said he liked me like that too.... But, I can't tell if he's drunk and doesn't know what he's saying or...", I muttered under my breath hoping he wouldn't hear.
Unfortunately ,judging by the ways his eyes widened, and his jaw dropped, he heard.
"I KNE- MPPH", Seamus hollered before I clamped my hand over his mouth. Everyone practically ran over here to see who was shouting.
"What the bloody hell happened?! We heard Seamus shouting!", Ron asked. Dean stumbled over and leaned on Ron.
"The fuckity fuck is goin' on", Dean said.
"Haaarrrrryyy was covering Seamus' mouth 'cause he said somethin' loud~", Draco said laughing.
"Boop!~", he said touching my nose. He was still on my back so he had to put his arm on my shoulder. Seamus laughed as I wrinkled my nose.
"Hey guys! Why don't we play Truth or Dare, Kiss or Swear? I can Accio some Veritaserum! It'll be even better with those two drunk!", Pansy exclaimed. We nodded, while getting a giggly Draco in response.
~Time skip time hotel, they have candy and the truth serum.Third person~
         They were all in a circle, in Pansy's and Hermione's room. Pansy was with Draco ,leaning on Harry, on her left.  Then Hermione on her right. Dean and Seamus were on Hermione's right. Then Ron, and Theo. Blaise and Neville were next.
        "Soooooo, maybe we should all say our sexualities for ya know- the kiss part in Truth or Dare, Kiss or Swear.", Pansy said. Everyone nodded.
"Take a swig though, so we know you're not lying! I'll go first," Pansy started taking a shot of the serum, "I am pansexual. Please spare me the jokes with my name.".
        Draco went next,  "I'm gay.". He said softly.
        "Bisexual.", Harry said, quite proud.
        "I'm pansexual too.", Ron mumbled.
        "GAAAAYYYYY!!", Theo shouted loudly, and the group burst out laughing.
        Dean was still laughing, when he said, "Demi-demisexual.".
        "Also bi.", Seamus said.
        "I'm gay too.", Neville muttered.
        "Bisexual but, guys are hotter.", Blaise said.
        "Gray-asexual homoromantic.", Hermione stated.
        "Alright my gaybies, lets do this!", Pansy started. "I'll go first! Dray, truth or dare, kiss or swear?"
       "Maybe dare~", Draco said. He still had some alcohol in his system, so his sentences were all mixed together.
       "Perfect! Hermione cate to announce the dare?", Pansy said with a mischievous glint in her eyes. Harry looked at both girls suspiciously. They were definitely planning something.
       "We're starting off strong my friends! Draco we dare you... To let Harry spoon you for the whole game! And if you refuse, remember you'll get bruised or cut!", Hermione reminded them.
      "'MIONE!!", Harry shrieked in protest. He felt a bruise coming on his leg, so he gave in.
      Draco didn't really know what was going on so, he just let Harry awkwardly hug him from behind. Now he was sitting in between Harry's legs, his head on the other boy's chest. Harry had his arms wrapped around the blond.
        "Sea-Seamus! Truth or dare, kiss or swear?", Draco asked. Seamus was visibly nervous.
"Truth..?", He trailed off. He quickly took a shot of Veritaserum. Draco smiled widely and squirmed excitedly in Harry's arms. Harry laughed a little, finding this incredibly adorable.
"Are-are you dating anybody we knowwwww?~" , Draco said, trying to not get too excited, momentarily forgetting he was dating Dean.
"I-I... Well- The thing is- Yeah..?", Seamus stumbled. Draco was practically dying, moving around ,squealing, while being cuddled by Harry who was laughing his ass off. The rest of the group ,excluding Dean, were wide eyed. Why hadn't he told them he was dating someone?! Who was it?! Seamus shook his head, signaling he wasn't going to answer.
"Anyways.... Harry! Since you seem to be having so much fun, truth or dare, kiss or swear?", Seamus asked intently. Harry froze, not knowing what to choose. Kiss was out. Harry was sure, 67% anyways, Seamus would dare him to kiss Draco. Truth was an obvious no, along with dare. Swear was the only good option left. There wasn't any possible bad thing he could do with swear.
"Swear.", Harry said confidently, feeling pretty good with his choice, until Seamus smiled widely.
      "Swear to... Oh I don't know maybe- Ask out your fucking crush like a man.", Seamus retorted, sticking his hand out. Harry started silently panicking. Fuck. But, he wasn't going to back down.
      "I.. swear to ask out my crush like a man.", Harry grumbled, grabbing Seamus' hand. The silvery strands of the oath spread over their hands, like a cobweb.
"Why the fuck do you guys know more than all of us combined?! What the fuck?!?!", Pansy shrieked.
"Maybe because we don't gossip all the time Pansy.", Harry said rolling his eyes.
"Oh please! Along with that gift, I can also keep secrets! Ask Draco!", Pansy scoffed. Harry raised an eyebrow, and Pansy realized what she said.
"Not that Draco has any secrets.", Pansy tried to cover up. Draco kept hearing his name in the conversation but, was to focused on snuggling in Harry. It was so warm and comfy. He felt like he could never leave. Draco raised one of his hands just to count how many stars were in his hair. One, two, three, four. Maybe he should add more. Draco found a new place in his heart for the other Gryffindors, not just Harry.
The game went on for about half an hour, getting more and more heated up. There was Seven Minutes in Heaven, stripping (*cough*Pansy*cough*), making out and soon enough ,as Draco found out, love bites. He was the first one to get one.
"Harry mate, it's your turn.Truth, dare, kiss or swear?", Ron said.
"Dare!", Harry said boldly. This could go terribly bad, or amazingly good. Turns out, it's was amazing.
"Give Draco a hickey! A visible, big one, on his neck.", Ron says smirking. Harry gaped at him, then at the boy in his lap. Draco looked at him with wide eyes, cheeks flushed.
"You-you don't have to if-if you don't want to.", Draco whispered. He looked almost, guilty.
"No. I do want to.", Harry said softly before asking Ron. "Do I do it here or in the closet?"
They decided to do the damn dare in the closet, trying to have a little privacy. It took quite a while of coaxing for Draco to get up.
Soon enough though, Draco was pressed up against the small closet with Harry in front of him.
"If you don't want this Draco just tell me.", Harry said.
"I want to do it as much as you do.", Draco said quietly. Suddenly, he felt lips against his neck. He gasped at the sudden contact. Harry smiled against the blonds neck, at how flustered he got. Slowly Harry started working his way around Draco's neck, trying to find the perfect spot. It wasn't until the other boy whimpered and bit his lip, Harry knew he found his sweet spot.
Slowly he bit deeply, sucking on the pale skin. Deeply satisfied with the little groans Draco was making, Harry bit a little harder. He loved this. Everything about this.
"Nngh~ Har-Harry~", Draco breathed out. Something about Draco saying his name made Harry kiss and lick and bite the Slytherin's neck even more, loving ever little reaction he was getting.
Soon enough, Draco's hands were in Harry's hair and tugging, and Harry was holding onto Draco's waist, hands traveling up his shirt. Flustered and moaning at every little touch, Draco was in Heaven. His eyes were fluttering and cheeks were red, hoping this could last forever. The alcohol was almost all gone from his system now, so he would most likely remember this without a Hangover potion.
"You know what? Fuck the game. I'm gonna make out with you on my own.", Harry practically growled.
Harry places his lips on Draco's soft, peachy, ones. Perfectly in sync, they were caught up in their own world. Harry bit lightly, asking for entrance. Draco parted his lips slightly, as Harry slipped his tongue in. Both fought for dominance but, Harry obviously won.
Throughout this, Pansy and the rest of the group were outside, listening to the small noises and gasps from the closet. No one made a noise, hoping not to disturb the two boys. Hermione gestured towards the door, signaling that they probably should leave. They could switch rooms for one night. It was still Friday after all.
Back to our two horny boys, they were still making out. Harry had put his hands on Draco's ass. Draco was whining and whimpering into their kiss, at the soft squeezes at his ass. Harry smirked at Draco's sudden vulnerability. But, he believed once they talked about what the fuck was going on, he would see this side of him a lot more.
Breaking the kiss ,Harry whispered, "Lets get into bed alright? It's late..". Slowly the two boys separated, getting out of the closet.
Harry went over to one bed, Draco following him. He wanted Harry to cuddle him more. Draco took off his jeans and shoes, and laying in bed with only his shirt on. Harry got in too, holding Draco. And soon, the two fell asleep in each other's arms.

hi guys! sorry for the wait! I had surgery yesterday so this chapter took longer than expected! love you all!


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