Chapter 8

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"Second chance!"

Viperion turned the snakehead, turning back time. Opening his eyes, he realized he was back behind Dragonbug who was formerly defending him. Turning her head, she saw Luka had been replaced by Viperion. Knowing that something had gone wrong previously, she stepped to the side, giving him an opening. As soon as she did, Viperion pointed towards Rena Rouge, as if telling her to watch out for her. Nodding, she eyed all of them, her eyes pausing at the fox-like heroine.

"Lucky charm!" Dragon Bug threw her yo-yo up in the air as she used her power. Holding out her hands, a toy spider fell into her hands. "A-"

"Spider." Viperion finished for her as he stared at the small mirror in her hand.

Viperion watched as the heroine looked around. "I-I can't find anything." She sighed.

Viperion's hand hovered over the bracelet. What could it mean? Looking around, he was hoping to see something that Dragon Bug could have missed. His eyes skimmed the entire battleground but was almost immediately interrupted by a charging Monkey King. Viperion went into a defensive position and began to block the many attacks that the subconscious hero was throwing his way.

His eyes then wandered to Miracle Queen, who was defending herself from a line of ants on the ground. Then it hit him. "Dragon Bug! Throw it at her!"

Dragon Bug nodded, and threw the toy towards Miracle Queen.
As expected, the girl screeched, batting it away, dropping the box in the process. Dragon Bug used her yo-yo to yank the miracle box from the ground, making it land neatly in her hands. She gave the box to Viperion, indicating he take it to her house.

As soon as Luka left, he felt a sudden realization. If he wasn't there to help, he may not be able to rewind in time or know what they did wrong before.


When the snake-like hero left, Dragon Bug was now facing an infuriated Chloe. The spotted hero turned to Chat, and he nodded in return as if he knew what to do. The two ran at her, reaching for the miraculous on her head, but failed as she ducked.
"You won't take away my miraculous that easily!" She cried out.

Miracle Queen grabbed Dragon Bug's arm and pulled her over her shoulder. But the girl collapsed as soon as Chat Noir used his cataclysm and touched the girls miraculous, causing it to dust.

The two hero's sighed in relief, and Dragon Bug hurridley cleansed the akuma.

"Pound it?"

Dragon Bug turned to see Chat Noir smiling at her, causing the heroine to smile in return. "Pound it." She hit her fist against the hero and turned to Chloe.
"Are you okay?" Dragon Bug placed her hand over the blonde's shoulder, only to have her slap it away.

"Stop acting like you care! It makes me sick." Chloe glared at the masked girl.

"But I do care, Chloe." Dragon Bug sighed.

"Then why didn't you ever give me the miraculous?!" The girl got up and glared into Dragon Bug's eyes.

"Because your identity is in danger."

"Don't give me that bull!" Chloe snapped. She turned her head away from Dragon Bug. "I don't need your help as long as I have this!" She cupped her hands together, revealing the bee pendant.

Dragon Bug instantly reacted and snatched the miraculous from her hand. "No, Chloe." Dragon Bug sighed. "You can't. Not anymore."

"Why?!" The blonde leaned towards Dragon Bug aggresivley.

"Because now I know you truly only want to hurt Paris. Not save it." Dragon Bug sighed, and turned her back to the girl.

Then she remembered. Master Fu. She turned back to the large building towering over them and saw Master Fu alone. The other two villains fled after she de-akumatized Chloe, leaving Master Fu on top of the isolated building.
"Master Fu! Are you alright?!"

The man nodded, relieving muffled noises from behind the gag. Dragon Bug removed it, and Master Fu let out a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness." The old man rasped. "Thank you Dragon Bug." The old man bowed his head.

"Master Fu. Hawkmoth knows who you are. Is there a way to fix it?" Chat Noir spoke up.

"I'm afraid there is nothing you can do." Master Fu told them sadly. "However, the only way to keep me and you two safe is to give away my role as Guardian."

"What?!" Dragon Bug jumped to her feet. "What do you mean you have to give away your role as Guardian?"

"I have to give away the miracle box."
They were all silent. "I apologize Dragon Bug, but you must carry the responsibility of being the new Guardian."

Dragon Bug felt her legs begin to tremble. Another responsibility. New lives in her hands. She fell to the ground, tears welling in her eyes. Luka. Please. Help.

"I'm sorry Dragonbug. I wish things were different, but if Hawkmoth knows my identity, not only will the miraculous be in danger, but so would you." He sighed and placed a hand on Dragon Bug's shoulder.

Dragon bug simply nodded. She smiled at Master Fu, before giving him a hug. "Thank you, Master. For everything."

Master Fu gave her a pat on the back. "Know this Dragon Bug. After my memory gets erased, your Lucky Charm won't be able to retrieve the many memories that I have lost."
Dragon Bug sadly nodded.
Master Fu sighed before getting up. "I Wang Fu, relinquish the Miracle box, and proclaim Dragon Bug the new Guardian!" A bright light blinded the two heroes as Master Fu fell to the ground. Dragon Bug was wondering what had happened to the miracle box, but she knew if something changed, it was always going to be safe and protected.

Dragon Bug opened her eyes to see Master Fu slightly unconscious on the ground. She picked his head up gently and began to shake him awake.

"Master Fu?"

The old man opened his eyes. "Hello, young lady."


That night, Marinette lay in her bed, staring up at the stars through her trap door. Thoughts were racing through her mind about the events that happened that day. She let out a sad sigh.

"Marinette?" Marinette turned to look at Luka who was peeking over the edge of her bed. "What's wrong?"

Marinette shook her head. "N-Nothing."

Luka's brows furrowed. He leaned towards the bluenette as if inspecting her. "You're a really bad liar." He chuckled as he crawled in next to her. He turned his head to face her. "You can tell me whatever is on your mind."

Marinette felt her eyes begin to water. Wrapping his arms around her, Marinette began to sob. "It's so hard for me Luka! I hate how everything has to point back to me! How everyone is suffering because of my mistakes!" She gripped the sleeve of his sweater as if clinging on to him. "I lost Master Fu because I was careless enough to lead Hawk Moth to him." Her voice trailed off, being replaced by quiet sobs. "I hate myself." She buried her face in his shirt.

Luka pats her head. "It's alright, Marinette. Everyone makes mistakes. I promise you that no one blames you for what happened." He buried his face in her hair. "Please don't hate yourself. It hurts me when you say that." He felt her grip on him relax. She smiled after hearing his words.

"I love you, Luka."

The black and blue-haired boy smiled. "I love you too, Marinette."

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