Adrien followed the bluenette's gaze to see none other than Lila. She was once again the illusionist, Volpina. However, when Adrien turned to tell Marinette he had changed his mind, he realized she was gone. He looked around worried for the blue-haired girl, but when he couldn't find her, he gave up and ran to an alleyway where he transformed into Chat Noir.
Ladybug jumped to a building close to where Lila was looking down at the havoc she was creating. She began to scan her surroundings, hoping to find something to help. But she then heard someone landing next to her.
Turning, she saw Chat Noir looking down at her, a hint of anger in his eyes.
Recalling what had happened a few days before, she looked away from him, fear threatening to make her run form him. She took a few deep breaths, rubbing her shoulders where Chat's claws dug into her flesh.
"Let's get this over with." She murmured to herself.✺✤⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆✤✺
"Miraculous Ladybug!" The spotted heroine threw the spotted object in the air, reverting everything back to how it was before the akuma attack. Before she was able to talk to the girl, Chat grabbed her arm, forcing her to face him.
"Ladybug." His eyes were slitted and full of hate. "You still owe me an explanation."
Ladybug felt her arms begin to shake. Would he hurt her again?
Struggling against his grip, Ladybug tried to run but failed as Chat's claws once again threatened to pierce her skin."Answer me!" Chat's tail flicked to the side. "Now."
His menacing gaze terrified Ladybug. Tears threatened to fall as her eyes began to sting."L-Let go of me Chat." Ladybug's voice cracked.
Chat looked down at the heroine's hand, to see his claws penetrating through her suit. He let go of her wrist, causing Ladybug to stumble back.
"M'Lady..." Chat reached his hand out to apologize, but as soon as he did, fear caused Ladybug to jump up and run from him.
"Ladybug, wait!"Ladybug ignored his calls, and she kept on running. Why was she acting like this? Why was Chat acting like this? One minute he hates her, and the next he's chasing after her. She felt herself begin to feel tired, but the fear kept pushing her. She has never feared anything or anyone before. But the way Chat looked at her, the way his eyes were full of blood lust, scared her.
Eyeing an alleyway, she jumped down and detransformed into Marinette as soon as her earrings beeped a fifth time.
The small kwami flew from her earrings and landed in her palm, an exhausted look in her eyes. Reaching in her bag, Marinette grabbed a macaroon and handed it to Tikki.The small kwami slowly grabbed the treat and began to eat it. Marinette, however, looked around cautiously, not knowing whether Chat had followed her or not.
"Mari?"Looking down, Marinette saw a worried Tikki.
"Don't worry about me." Marinette laughed, as her voice cracked. "I'm fine."0~0
Chat chased after Ladybug. However, he halted as she jumped down in a narrow alleyway.
A part of him screamed to not follow the masked heroine, knowing she may have detransformed, but his regret blinded him. He slowly walked forward and peeked in over the roof.He felt his world shatter.
Everything he seemed to know, seemed to disappear as he saw the familiar bluenette looking down at the small Ladybug kwami in her hands.
What hurt Chat more, was how Marinette seemed to be crying. Crying because of what Chat Noir did to her. It was his fault.
Backing away, Chat looked down at his shaking hands.
What had he done?
A/N: Sorry for the cringe, but this was a bit rushed. I still hoped you enjoyed! ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔ

No More Secrets
FanfictionThis story takes place after the episode Love Eater. ꧁♔꧂ After Marinette confesses everything about herself to Luka, she finds herself falling in love with him all over again. The only difference now is that Adrien is out of the picture. When things...