Chapter 15

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Marinette's eyes were red and puffy. Her hands were cold and shaky, and her heart was broken. "I'm such an idiot." Sighing she looked at the clock, realizing it was only 8 in the evening.

Reaching for her covers, Marinette felt herself stiffen, and the world around her turn cold. She was frozen in place, and all she could see was darkness, except for a singular purple butterfly-like symbol in front of her.

"Black Widow. I am Hawkmoth. I understand how it feels when the one you love abandons you, so I shall help you get him back. All you have to do is bring me Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous."

Marinette began to shake. Her hand turned into a fist as she tried to fight the temptation growing inside of her. "N-No..." Her nails began to dig into her flesh as she fought the growing urge to accept his offer. "I-I can't join you. I-I made a promise to not-"

"I'm afraid you have no choice, Black Widow. We both know you can't fight the fact you have been abandoned by those close to you. Join me, and you will never feel that pain again."

Marinette clenched her teeth. "I...I..." Marinette felt something strange inside her. Almost as if an evil was beginning to grow deep within her. An evil she could not fight.
"Of course, Hawkmoth."


Luka frowned as he glanced back at the bakery once more. He was sitting at the bench in the park, where he had first kissed the bluenette. "Mari..." Sighing, Luka gently pats the spot next to him, longing to feel her hand on his, and see her smile one more time. Frowning, he got up and headed towards the bakery, refusing to let Marinette go.
However, as soon as he was about to open the bakery door, he heard a loud crash. Looking up, Luka saw a much too familiar girl wearing a black spandex suit with a white spider web-like pattern. There was an hourglass symbol on the center of her suit, and her mask had red circles around her eyes.
Luka stares at the bluenette, fear being his only emotion.


Black Widow stared down at the streets of Paris, her vision practically red. She felt nothing but hate and sorrow, and she felt as if a part of her were missing. "Let's see..."


The bluenette stiffened as she heard the familiar voice calling her name. Looking down, she saw the black and blue-haired boy, whom she knew, deep down, could save her from the hell she was stuck in.

"Marinette! What's going on?! What happened to you?!"

"Marinette is gone! I am Black Widow! Mistress of Darkness and Destroyer of Love! I will catch and destroy all the love and hope in Paris, and watch as all those who defied me suffer in their web of lies and regrets!" Jumping down to where Luka was standing the masked villain leaned toward him, a devilish smirk on her face. "Starting with you!"

Grabbing his arm, she jumped up, taking him to the Eiffel Tower.
"Marinette, you have to stop this! This isn't like you!"

Ignoring his pleas, Black Widow kept jumping towards the large tower. As soon as she landed, she grabbed her yo-yo. It as well had a new look similar to her costume. Instead of the spotted pattern her yo-yo had as Ladybug, it had more of a red webbed pattern. In the center of the yo-yo, was the same hourglass that was on her chest, but it had webs wrapped around it, almost like it was trapped.
Black Widow began to wrap her yo-yo string around the poles in a webbed pattern, making a trap for Luka. However, as soon as she grabbed Luka, and placed him on the webs, the black and blue-haired boy looked up at her, his eyes glossy.

Black Widow suddenly felt her heart twist, and a part of her wanted to hug him and cry on his shoulder. But another part of her, a part of her that felt much to foreign to her, was screaming to turn her back, and never let him forget what he had done. How he had left her when she needed him the most.
And she did just that.

Turning her back to Luka, she opened her mouth and said the three words she'd never thought she would ever say. The three words that hurt more than anything else.

"I hate you."

A/N: Please forgive the ugly cringe in this chapter. (╥︣᷅╥)

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