What are these feelings?

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  Steven's POV
  I heard that Connie went back to space camp, I was happy for her.
Knock knock
  I get up and go the door, opening it, "Hey Steven!" It was Connie, she hugged me roughly and I hesitantly did it back.

  Her face turned sad, she took a deep breath to say some news to me, "Steven. I... I'm moving. I was accepted into a private school where I can achieve my goals! I thought I would just.. tell you." She sighed and looked at me, I didn't know what to say.

  My first friend that I enjoyed being around was leaving... all though I didn't have feelings for her I felt sad at this.
  I was gonna miss her and the times we spent together, "Here, you can have this to remember me by..." She handed me the sword bismuth made her, I grabbed it and looked back at her, "Thanks, Connie. I'll miss you, you know. Promise you'll visit when you can?" She smiled and said, "Of course, Steven! You're my lov- best friend! My time here in beach city is something I'll never forget. Thanks for being my... friend." I gave her one last hug and tear slightly yet I smiled, I know she'll do amazing things in her life. I also know she's gonna visit me or call me to catch up with me. We let go and I sniffed, "Bye, Connie." She stepped back and gave me a letter. "Hey, read this when you miss me, n-not right now cause it's embarrassing.

  I already said my good byes to the crystal gems as well. Cya later." She quickly ran back to her waving parents, I stepped outside and waved to them as well.

  I walk back inside, closing the door. I look at the letter and smiled to myself, I walk over to my room and put it away for later. I turn to see Spinel sleeping on my bed peacefully. She's so cute, I thought. I found myself staring at her for awhile and quickly looked away blushing. What am I thinking?! She's just my friend, she doesn't even know what kind of love I feel for her. I-
  I turn to see Spinel rubbing her eyes. Once her eyes open, she gives me a big smile, "Do you wanna play a game?" She says, jumping out of my bed bouncing around me like a eager child. I'll admit, I liked this side of her, it's really cute and fun.

  Once she stayed with us for awhile her form changed again, back to its original form but she still had her memories and understood the reality of things. She's just more happier here. There were some changes though, she had visible eye liner, got more of a... bust, and kept her red/pink eyes. Yet, she still had the same personality as before, happy and wanting never ending fun, but she also had other emotions than just her goofy-ness too.

Spinel's POV
  I waited for Steven to answer my question, "Sure? Why not." He replied, I was so happy! I pulled him out of his house and went outside, "Soooo, what game are gonna play?!" I said shouting,
  Steven sat there to think and smirked, "Well, it's more of a challenge... You think you can do it?" I excitedly bounced up and down and said, "Yes, sir!" I joked and waited for him to explain,
  "it's called, 'lick my body challenge', one person is blindfolded so they can't see anything and they have to lick a body part the other player gives them."
  Strange challenge, I thought. But I didn't worry cause I was excited to play! I said, "This will be so much fun!" And smiled, he got up to get a blind fold.

  Once he got back he said he would be the first and tied the blindfold on himself. I was super pumped, but what was the purpose of this game? Maybe it was funny to lick someone?
  I decided to put my cheek first, he licked it and my heart raced, "H-Hey, t-that tickles!" I giggled trying to put off that feeling.
  He didn't move and I could feel him smile against my skin which gave me bumps on my body. I felt myself get warm, then I was thinking of what body part to do next... Oh! I stood up and decided to do my gem since my skin was feeling strange, "Okay Steven, this is the second one!" He licked it, I bit my lip and pulled away, scared.
  He said, "Hey, what's wrong, Spinel?" He said concerned, I blurted out, "I-I don't wanna play any more...", he quickly took off his  blind fold and I looked away.
  I felt strange. I couldn't even look at him... I blushed and said, "I'm just hungry, that's all." He stood and said, "Oh.. Okay, wanna go to the big donut?" I replied, "Yes!!" And ran to the town, hoping he would forget that.

  I felt so embarrassed. It was too much, it felt right but I can't decide whether Steven did that on purpose or not. He made me feel so vulnerable. Or maybe it was just an innocent game and I'm overreacting... I finish eating my donut and look down at my gem. When he licked it, I felt this... Pleasure. Is that bad?
Steven got up and said, "Hey, something wrong Spinel?"
  I didn't know what to say. Should I lie or tell the truth?, "Oh yeah! I'm fine... it's just that, I didn't like that game we played." I looked down, I was worried he would get mad at me. I'm so stupid.
I felt a hand my mine and looked up, Steven pulled me into a hug, almost knocking over the table and cried, "I'm sorry! Please forgive me, I-I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable."
  My eyes widened, what- what have I done?! I made Steven cry, it's my fault... I'm such a bad friend...
  "Steven I..." I said as I froze, I wrapped my arms around him. "It's okay, I just felt strange. Please don't be mad at me..."
  he hugged me tighter and said, "I could never be mad at you, Spinel. I promise I won't do that again."
  I smiled as I hugged him. I liked this, I liked this closeness I feel when I'm near him.

  We walked back home, holding hands, as usual. I never thought much of that until now, it made me flush, I don't why know I started feeling this. I never wanted to let go of him. My heart was beating so fast I might as well die, though, I don't think that's possible... Steven looked over at me and smiled. I could feel my face get really hot and I just wanted to melt right there. I didn't notice it but we arrived already and I was happy to be home so I can clear my head.

Steven's POV
  Once we arrived home, Spinel ran inside all cheery. I came in behind her and sat on the couch. Man... I really fucked up. I don't curse that much but it was true. I did something really wrong to Spinel and took advantage of her.
  I hate myself for it, I was just caught up in the moment. I swear on my life I'll never do that to her unless she consents... I look to my left as I feel my heart ache. I hurt her but somehow she still likes me.

  I don't deserve her, she's just so-, "Steven! Let's make cookies!!" Spinel said with her big cute smile, bouncing up and down around the room. I smiled to myself and got up to help her, it was a nice evening. Spinel was in amazement the whole time, smiling and 'oooo'-ing at things.
  Once the timer ringed I went to grab the cookies so they wouldn't burn. Spinel quickly followed behind me and watched me put on the oven mittens, then open the oven door. I reached in grab them when I touched the inside of the oven on accident and yell, "Ow!" I fell back on the floor and Spinel walked back watching it happen, I looked at my arm with a burn mark on it.
  I tried not to cry like a little kid but damn, it hurt. I just got a little teary, I got up and went over to the sink, I grabbed a paper towel to wet it. Spinel went to my left side of my arm to see the burn mark and she paused.
  I look up at her and said, "Something wrong..?" She quickly got a worried look and said, "A-Are you okay?..", she asked shakily,
  I replied, "Yeah, I just got burnt a little, don't worry." I then spit on the wet paper towel and rubbed it on my burn. It went away and I smiled at Spinel.
  she looked away, "Oh- g-good. Just don't do it again.." she whispered, I ran over to the oven and got out the cookies successfully. They were a little crispy but tasted delicious, soon enough though, amethyst, came over and ate a bunch of them. Me and Spinel laughed.
  I liked spending these little moments with her. They were sweet and cute... Like her.

Ugh this chapter is so cute lol
Also sorry for any grammar mistakes or spelling mistakes, my phone is annoying with autocorrect reeeeeeeeeee
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1585 words

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