Their First Date (pt. 2)

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Spinel's POV

  Steven leads me to a booth with cups stacked on each other in a triangle shape. A gem from little homeworld is working at it and she hands Steven three red balls. Steven says, "Which one do you want?" I points at the big soft looking animals, I don't recognize any expect the bear so I tell him, "Umm... that one!" I point happily at it and he goes back to the booth, he grabs a small ball, throwing it at the cups. They all fall down. The gem rebuilds and Steven does the same thing. It as well falls down. He has one ball left now, once again the cups get stacked again. I walk closer to the booth to ask what Steven was trying to achieve by doing this, he throws the ball again, it hits the table that hold the cups and bounces back, "Gaah!" I yell holding up my hands to my face, rubbing at the pain from the small hard ball. Steven quickly comes over to me and and repeatedly says 'I'm sorry! he rubs his hand against my swollen cheek, I ease up a bit and my face gets red from embarrassment. Why do the most silly things happen to me!.. I giggle at the thought, "Hey, what's so funny?" Steven says to me with a smile, "Oh, nothing. It's just, some things can't go well when I'm around..." I reply trailing off, that sounds a little grim now that I think about it, "Maybe, don't think about it like that. I think it's always fun when I'm with you." Steven says to me softly as he takes my hand, "Sorry I couldn't win you that teddy bear." Before I could reply, I feel something touch my cheek and the pain from my cheek goes away. I quickly realize that Steven kissed me and a slight pink tint cover my cheeks, "T-Thanks." I whisper, we walk further into FunLand and I feel... happy. A different kind of happy, I suppose. It's feeling I haven't felt since pink left me...

  It's true happiness.

• • • •

Spinel's POV

  I look up at the big circle shaped ride. It goes around and around while you are in small cart... T-Trapped! I tightly grip Steven's hand, my heart beating so fast, I know this time it's fear. My feet are stuck to the ground, I breathe heavily. In and out, in and out, "I-I... don't want t-to get on, Steven." I said in a worried tone, "Close your eyes, I promise it will be worth it." Steven reassures me, covering my eyes with his hands from behind. He helps me onto the 'Ferris Wheel' and we sit from across each other, I squint one eye open to see how high in the air we are, "You can open your eyes now, we are at the top." I open both eyes and peer out the cart, "Woah..." I whisper to myself, why was I so scared? It's so beautiful! I smile at the small humans and gems enjoying themselves in FunLand. I mesmerize at the glimmering ocean moving peacefully on the shore, "It's... pretty." Was all I could mutter. We reach the top and went down back to the ground. We exit the Ferris Wheel and we continue doing more fun things.

Steven's POV

I haven't had this much fun in awhile, I'm really enjoying this.. date, I guess.

We go onto a short rollercoaster and Spinel really enjoys it, "Wow Steven! I've never been on anything like that!" A smile to myself at her joy, she's just so-... cute. I blush at the thought and try to forget it. I just can't shake off this feeling of warmth and happiness I feel with Spinel...

As we're walking, spinel turns to me and announces, "I'm tired, let's go back to your house." I nod my head yes and we start walking towards my house, I think it's strange that she's tired, she was really enjoying FunLand. I'm a bit tired to so I'm not that upset, it's just kinda sudden she wanted to go home.
When we reach the porch to the door Spinel grabs my hand and tells me, "Hey, um... Thanks for the fun time, I really liked it," I can tell she's blushing, what's going on? Before I could respond, she pulls me in and kisses me on my lips. My face turns red and I don't know what to do, but she isn't stopping. I decide to kiss back and I hear a faint moan come from her. I get butterflies in my stomach, I've never really done this before... What do I do next? I gently cup the back of her head and push her forward to deepen the kiss, after that I let go so I could take a breath of air. Spinel opens her eyes, "that felt nice." She says quietly and gives me a hug, I wrap my arms against her small shape and tell her,

"Spinel... I love you."

More than friends? ( Spinel x Steven ) |COMPLETED|Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon