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Steven's POV

  Finally! Me and spinel really over stayed our visit to the Diamonds, I usually visit them for about one hour at most but they just kept giving Spinel all this love and affection, I just kinda stood there and waited. At last, we were then escorted back to the warp pad and we are now home. I'm so exhausted! I'm gonna head to sleep now.


Spinel's POV

  I secretly watch Steven sleep- I'm not being creepy! I just woke up early and I have nothing better to do... doesn't make it any better, though. Anyways... When is Steven gonna wake up? I don't understand human sleeping routines, they go to sleep and wake up at different times of the day. It's honestly a gamble if you're lucky enough. But usually, they wake up around the same time. Speaking of time, Steven showed me how a clock works. It's actually a bit interesting, time. Well, I've kept track of it when Steven goes to sleep and wakes up and usually if Steven isn't doing something after 8:00 then he goes to sleep around 8:00 or 9:00 and keeping up with that, he wakes up around 5:00 or 6:00. Other times it could be very random so I stopped keeping track but I usually stare at the time and wait. Right now, it's 5:26, he should be up any time soon.
Tick, Tick, Tick, Tick...
  The blankets on the bed start moving around, I turn to see Steven rustling around in his bed, what is he doing? "Steven, are you awake?.." I say in worried voice but then it goes quiet... "GAAAh!" Steven suddenly yells and I fall back out of surprise, I slowly stand up. Once I'm up straight, I look over to Steven breathing heavily, sweating. He looks like he's seen some terrible thing but he's been sleeping this whole time, what's going on? Steven looks around and then spots me standing at the front of his bed, "Spinel," he questions with a concerned face and then he mutters, "it was was just a dream.." I'm still very confused, what's a dream? I'm about to question Steven about it when he gets up and hugs me. I blush a little at the sudden touch but I ask, "What's wrong, Steven?" He tightens the hug and replies, "it's nothing... I just wanted to remind you I-.." He doesn't finish his sentence but he didn't need to. He lets go and I give him a big smile. I hope he feels better, maybe we can play a game!

Steven's POV

  I tell spinel to wait downstairs so I can change and she happily bounces down there, now that she's gone, I can really think. I replay the nightmare in my head, it's me and spinel fighting on that day. When I climbed all the way up to the top of her injector and we then started fighting, well, instead of making amens with each other, I lost. I died and she won. Earth was no more, I was no more, the crystal gems were no more... But, why did I have that dream? That incident was months ago and in real life, we won. Maybe my mind just wanted me to relive it with a twisted ending...? Or it's nothing, I should just put it aside. I quickly get dressed so Spinel doesn't get worried and go up here to find me. I run downstairs to find Spinel but, she isn't there? What the heck. I yell, "Spinel!"... no answer. I decide to walk outside to look for her. I squint at the sea shore and look side to side... Nothing. I start to worry, I feel my heart beat fast and I start breathing heavily. A knot in my throat keeping myself from crying. Where the hell did she go?! Maybe she's just playing with me? I run back inside and look everywhere for places she might be in.

I hear something hit the door from the outside, I turn and I don't see anyone at the door. Sounded like someone threw a rock at the door, probably some jerk. I walk over to see what it was they threw, I open the door.

My heart stops.

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