The Diamonds

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Spinel's POV
  I feel movement on the bed, I open my eyes but I just lay there. It's just steven, he's moving in his sleep. I feel his body turn around and his arms slide off me. I turn around to see Steven's back, and hair. I get a bit mad that he isn't cuddling with me anymore.
  I decided to get up and explore his room. He won't mind right? Heh... I smile to myself looking around. I open a drawer and I take out a red shirt with a yellow star. I think back to his usual clothes which is blue shirt and yellow star. I pull it over me and it's really big but I giggle at the thought. I look back at Steven who's sleeping peacefully. I tip toe back into the bed and stare at the ceiling. I get close to Steven and fall back to sleep like before. I hope he doesn't get mad at for touching his things..

"Hey! Wake up you silly," I feel someone shove me side to side and I slowly open my eyes to see, Steven. He questions me, "Why are you wearing my old shirt?" I blush a little and reply, "S-Sorry... I just found it and thought it would be funny to put it on! Don't be mad!!" He sits up and laughs a bit, "It's fine Spinel, I was just joking with you, yeah?" I smile at that and then he says, "You can keep wearing it if you want! You look adorable in it," I fluster at the last comment and quickly get out of bed to fix my hair. Does Steven know he has this affect on me? It always makes my heart beat. My face flush. My mood brighter...
  I follow Steven down stairs once he's changed his clothes. He then pauses and remembers, "Wait- I'm supposed to visit the Diamonds today!" He's been pretty good keeping up with the visitations but I've never gone with him. The front door opens and it's the gem named pearl, she smiles at me and then tells Steven, "Did you look at the time, Steven? You're a bit late for your visit for the diamonds." Steven puts on a frustrated expression and replies, "Yeah, I just realized. I should get there before they worry and crash into here thinking somethings happen to me." He finishes with a sarcastic tone, Pearl waves bye to Steven and goes into her room. He turns to me, quickly saying, "Will you be okay staying here like usual?" I think about it and reply, "Do you think it's time I meet the Diamonds?.." Steven looks at me and reaches out for my hand, "Yeah, I think it is time." I grin quickly and hold Steven's hand as we run to the warp pad.

Once we arrive, I look around my surroundings. So this is homeworld, huh? Abruptly, we are escorted by some guards and we arrive to the palace. I stand behind Steven nervously as the Diamonds lovingly greet Steven. Steven then speaks up, "Hey guys, I brought someone with me. You may know her..." They quiet down and Steven reveals me, I say, "My Diamonds" And make a diamond shape with my arms, Steven says, "Her name is Spinel, do you remember her?" The Diamonds gasp at me and blue says, "Pinks play mate..?" I smile at them and they start asking questions about me. This is gonna be a long day...

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