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Hi I'm Katelyn and I'm 17. I currently go to Aeroside Highschool (not real school) in Phoenix, Arizona. My best friend is Izi and we've known each other for almost our whole lives. Because our parents were best friends in Highschool. Also Izi and I are neighbors, practically inseparable and most people think we are sisters because we look alike. We both have brownish blonde hair and brown eyes. And we're about the same height 5.5" feet tall. My favorite class in school is art even though I'm really not that good at drawing. Oh and don't let me forget it's my Senior year in Highschool! I can't wait to graduate! So about my family. I'm an only child but that's okay because I have Izi. And my parents are always on business trips so I spend a lot of time at Izi's or my grandma comes over. But mainly I go to Izi's because my grandma lives in another part of Arizona and it's about 2 hours from my house. Oh and how could I forget about my friend Alex. Alex spends loads of time with Izi and I. He is pretty much our boy best friend, but he isn't as close as Izi and I are. Alex lives a couple streets down so whenever we need him he's never to far.

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