Chapter 10 It Will Get Better

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Katelyn's POV:
After cuddling I eventually feel asleep. Only to be awoken by the horrifying thought that I no longer have a father. I think Matt stayed up the whole night just to make sure I was okay. Because every time my terrible dreams woke me up he was right there to comfort me. Every time I would wake up he would hug me and tell me to go back to sleep. And I listened to him I kept going back to sleep.

Matt's POV:
Katelyn kept waking up, and every time she woke up she had more and more tears in her eyes. After awhile morning started to approach and the sun came up. That means the day was soon going to start but I honestly wasn't ready. After a little while there was a knock on the door and then it opened slowly and there stood Mari and Carter. "Hey what's she still doing sleeping? It's already 10am." Mari asked. "Mari? Her mom never told you?" Matt asked. "No what happened? Is it good news? Should I be excited!" Mari asked while getting all jumpy. "No Mari, can you and Carter go back to the living room so you don't wake Katelyn up. And I'll text you guys." I said. "Alright?" Mari and Carter said in unison.
*Group Text* (Matt, Mari, Carter)
Matt: Umm guys I really don't know how to say this...
Mari: Plz tell me I wanna know.
Carter: Yeah bro, just say can't be that bad.
Matt: No Carter, it's really that bad.
Carter: Just say it.
Matt: Okay fine........Katelyn's dad died in a plane crash

As soon as I clicked send on that message Mari rushed threw the door crying her eyes out. She jumped on the bed and kept hugging Katelyn. And that woke Katelyn up, and she started crying again.

Katelyn's POV:
I finally fell asleep and was actually out for awhile. When all of a sudden I was awoken by Mari jumping on me and hugging me while she was crying hysterically. Seeing her this upset made me cry so much harder. I didn't even know what to do with myself. All my body was able to do was cling to Matt. After Mari calmed down Carter slowly came thru the door and his face was all red and his eyes were all puffy. I think he was crying to. Carter then came over and hugged me so tight he didn't let go right away either. I mean I was still very sad, but I was starting to feel a little better knowing that my friends cared so much about me.

*Later That Day*
We realized that my mom still hasn't come out of her room. So Matt and I went to go check on her. As we walked in she was sitting on her bed looking through old pictures of her and my dad. She would laugh at their happy moments and smile over old parties. She just seemed so happy, yet she still had a few stray tears running down her face. As soon as Matt saw a tear drop from her face he went over and hugged her immediately. She seemed happier knowing that Matt cared that much.

Later on Carter and Mari decided to go get some food, because we were all pretty hungry. They went to McDonalds and got a bunch of food. When they came back Matt and I decided to go eat in my room. Once we got up to my room I just set my food down and went and laid on my bed. "Babe come eat." Matt said. "Matt I can't." I said. "You have to." Matt replied. "You don't understand." I said as tears welled up in my eyes. "Babe everything will be okay. I swear I'm here for you. It will all get better." Matt said while coming over and putting his arm around me. "I know but...babe...its just.....he's gone" I said between sobs. "Oh baby I hate seeing you sad." Matt said then kissing my forehead. Just then I got a phone call from Izi.
Izi: Hey what's up.
Katelyn: Izi I don't think I can talk right now *i said while trying to hold back my tears.*
Izi: Katelyn...what's wrong?
Here Matt can you tell her I asked while handing him my phone. "Yeah sure babe." He said.
Matt: Hey Izi it's Matt.
Izi: Hey what happened.
Matt: Ummm there's really no easy way to say this but....Katelyn's dad died in a plane crash.
Izi: What omg I'm coming home. I'm leaving Cali..Cam and I should be there in a few days.
Matt: Okay thank you. I think that should make Katelyn happier.
Izi: Okay and Matt please keep her happy just please.
Matt: Of course I'm doing my best.
Izi: Okay thank you. I got to go bye!
Matt: Bye *Matt said as he handed me back my phone*

"Hey babe, Izi and Cam are coming back home. They should be here in a few days." Matt said. "Okay, thank you Matt. I love you so much." I said while hugging him. "I love you to babe, will you please eat and then we can lay down and cuddle and watch a funny movie." Matt said. "Yeah sure." I said a little unexcited. "It's okay babe. Things get better." Matt said while pulling me close to him.

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