Chapter 12 I Don't Know If I Can Handle This

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Katelyn's POV:
*1 Week Later*
Well today is Saturday, Matt is all moved into his house here in Arizona. Mari, Izi, Carter, Cam and all the boys are here for my dad's funeral.
I woke up this morning took a shower, changed into a black dress and applied some eyeliner and mascara. I was just about completely ready to go when Matt came out in some dark dress pants and a black button down shirt. He looked so hot. But I wasn't exited or emotionally ready to go see my dad lying there motionless.
Matt, my mom, and I all drove there together. We were the first ones there because as the family we needed to show up an hour earlier then everyone else. As soon as I walked in a short blonde haired lady handed Matt and I some tissues and we walked in. As soon as I saw my father lying there in the casket I turned to Matt and started crying into his shirt. He wrapped his arms around me and lightly put his lips on my head. After standing there like that for a few minutes we then decided to go sit down. I couldn't handle going up to the casket and saying my prayers right away so Matt told me to wait until I was ready. That he didn't want to rush me into something I wasn't fully comfortable with.
My mother walked in and went over to the casket and stayed there for a long time I could see her rubbing his arm and mumbling hushed words. Shortly after Mari and Carter came and they went up said their prayers and then came and sat next to me.
After about an hour more people started coming in but before to many people came I tugged on Matt's sleeve pulling him towards my dad. We said some hushed words and I tried so hard to hold back my tears but seeing so many other people crying, it was useless to hold back my tears. Izi, her parents and Cam all came together and Cam was kinda sad but Izi and her parents were crying a lot.

*After The Funeral*

Matt, my mom, and I all went home and just talked, just trying to lighten the mood. A little bit later Izi and her parents came over. Cam didn't come because he had to go home and change. But when Izi was here I was happier. I miss when we used to hang out over at her house. Like before she was with Cam and before Matt and I were a couple. I mean yes I'm so happy that we all found happiness but yet I'm sad because I miss the old stuff we used to do.

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