Chapter 5: No One Knows

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Katelyn's POV:
It was around 4:30am and Matt rolled over to wake me up.
Katelyn: Babe it's to early to get up.
Matt: I know but just come on.
He said as he pulled me out of bed. "I don't wanna get dressed." I complained. "Babe just put on some sweats and here's one of my sweat shirts. I wanna go show you somethin." Matt said. I put on some sweatpants because it was still kind of chilly out. And I put Matt's sweatshirt on. And wow omg it smelled so good. I love the way his clothes smell. It's like being wrapped in Matt's amazingness.
We went downstairs to leave and on the way out we saw Mari and Carter cuddled up on the couch. They were seriously the cutest. As Matt and I walked out the door we heard giggling so we looked over next door and Izi was sitting outside on the swing with Nash. They were so cute to.
Matt and I got in the car. And I asked Matt where we were going? And he got he biggest grin on his face and grabbed my hand with the hand he wasn't using to drive. "Babe we're going to the beach." He said excitedly. "But I don't even look good right now, I don't want people seeing me dressed like this." I said while pouting. "Babe your always beautiful, who cares what others say. I love you and that's all that matters!" Matt said. And I could tell he meant every word he spoke. I love his confidence towards everything.
We got to the beach and the gate was closed with a big sign that said beach closed.
Katelyn: Matt it's to early it's not even open.
Matt: That's okay, come here.
He said as he picked me up and helped me over the tall fence. We walked down towards the little dock and Matt stopped in front of me and wrapped his arms around me.
Matt: I love you so much. You know that?
Katelyn: Yeah babe, you tell me all the time.
Matt: That's because I don't want you to forget.
As we stood there the sun started to rise and it was so beautiful. "This is what we came to watch baby." Matt said. "How come?" I asked. "Because it's beautiful, sorta like you." Matt replied.
At that moment I turned to hug Matt but just as I was turning around he put his hand on my face and kissed me. And it wasn't like all the short little pecks we give. This kiss actually had feeling and passion behind it. And it was just amazing. We both smiled them broke the kiss and I couldn't help but just stand there and hug him. Because at that moment I realized Matt is the only one I want. Guys come into our lives and leave. But Matt I don't want him to leave he's to perfect. And I don't want to lose him.

Matt's POV:
All I kept thinking was. OMG I FINALLY KISSED HER AND DAMN IT WAS AMAZING! But I got to stay calm and cool. Katelyn still looked tired because it was so early but it was still like the best moment of my life. This girl is my world and no ones going to take her from me.
Matt: Baby you ready to go?
Katelyn: Sure I'm still kinda tired.
I said while yawning.
Matt: Okay, let's go home and cuddle a little bit. But then around noon I wanna take you out to lunch some where.
Katelyn: Matt you don't have to take me out.
Matt: No I'm your boyfriend and we're going out, I love you and I want people to know that your mine. And don't worry Carter and I decided to make it a double date. So him and Mari will be there to.
Katelyn: Okay babe, that sounds like fun. Let's go home and cuddle.
Matt: Okay, here get on my back and I'll give you a piggy back ride to the car.
We got back to the car and as we were driving I couldn't help but keep looking over at Katelyn. She just looked so cute in my sweatshirt. It was so big on her and she looked so comfy. Usually it bothers me when people take my clothes and keep them. But Katelyn, she's different she can wear my clothes whenever she wants. She's just so adorable.

Katelyn's POV:
We got home and Mari and Carter were still sleeping because it was early still it was only about 7:00am. I went to the kitchen to get a drink when Matt came in and scooped me up and carried me upstairs. Then we cuddled and the last thing I remember before dosing off is being wrapped in Matt's arms with his lips planted on my head. Gosh I love him a lot.

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