Shane Gang Mission

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Third POV

The Shane Gang were riding they're Meca Beast through the Eastern Caverns until Trixie got a distress signal.

"And that's how PrOntO! Defeated the Emperor!-"

"Uhhh, guys! *they all turn there attention to Trixie* got a distress signal... it's from a Cavern called Neon Sparks Cavern? It has a video with the document and only has one word 'Help" Trixie says while pressing a few buttons on the tablet.

They all look at eachother and stopped there Meca Beast and get off there Meca's and walk towards Trixie. Trixie then pulls up a video, the video shows ghouls being shot by stonewarriors and the camera then moves to the right and shows someone in black armor, shooting ghouls too then the video cuts off.

"We need to help them!!" Pronto exclaims.

"Pronto's right! Let's saddle up! *Eli looks at Junjie* Junjie, you lead the way since you know where Neon Sparks Cavern is" Eli says and Junjie nods.

They mount there Meca Beast and ride while Junjie leading the way.


They arrive to the Cavern and see a few people hiding in there houses but only a few, where we're the others? Some houses were half blown up, some houses burnt to ashes, and looked like it could be abandon.

They all got off their Meca Beast and loaded their blasters, ready to fight the Slinger.

Then they heard a slug fire, all there blasters charge up and aim there blasters towards the sound. Then a Ghouled Tazerling shocks Eli and falls to the ground.

The GhouledTazerling jumps over to a figure and it revealed the Slinger from the video.

Then Ford, Trixie and Pronto shoot an Arachnet, and two Tazerlings but the Slinger jumps onto a roof and shoots a Ghouled Arachnet.

Meanwhile, Junjie runs over to Eli and picks him up, like Bridal style and runs behind a house.

Ford, Trixie and Pronto then run behind a house or a structure for cover. The slinger then shoots a Ghouled Grenuke and the Grenuke lands on the wall which Trixie and Ford were behind so the wall exploded and Trixie and Ford were both knocked against a wall.

Pronto then shoots a Flatulorhinkus and the Slinger then shoots a Ghouled Tormato. The Flatulorhinkus releases a gas but the Ghouled Tormato creates a small tornado which shoots back the gas and the Flatulorhinkus at Pronto.

Meanwhile, Junjie then grabs Doc and puts him beside Eli, then Doc started glowing. While Doc heals Eli, Junjie then shoots a Rammstone at the Slinger.

The Slinger back flips over the Rammstone and shoots a Ghouled Arachnet.

Junjie ducks and the Ghouled Arachnet misses it's Web attack.

Then Junjie heard a groan, "Ugh, what happened?" Eli asks.

"You were shot by a Ghouled Tazerling and that Slinger on the video, is better then expected" Junjie responses

Then they heard a slug fire so they both ducked and a ghoul flies over them. They look over the wall and the Slinger was aiming there wristblaster at them.

They look at eachother and nod. They both jump over the wall and shoot Burpy and Juju, the Slinger back flips over Joo-Joo then Slinger shoots a Ghouled Tormato.

The Ghouled Tormato creates a dark tornado which pulls in Burpy and Joo-Joo then throws Burpy and Joo-Joo, back into slugs at Eli and Junjie.

The Slinger then shoots a Ghouled Rammstone and punch both Eli and Junjie which throws them against a wall.

The both groaned and struggled to get up but the Slinger was right infront of then and aimed there wristblaster at them, "Who are yo-"

Then, out of nowhere, a stonewarrior comes around a corner of a half blown up house and aims thier blaster at them.

The Slinger then shoots a Ghouled Vinedrill, the Vinedrill then goes underground and vines come out of the ground and wraps around the stonewarrior then the Slinger shoots a Ghouled Grenuke, the Grenuke lands on the stonewarrior and explodes the stonewarrior into pieces.

Eli and Junjie both look at eachother, confused.

The Slinger then looks back at them, "Who are you!? Do you work for the Emperor!?" The Slinger commands.

The Slinger then sees Junjie and lowers his wristblaster, "The Eastern Campion? You have returned?"

"Indeed I have" Junjie says.

"My apologies, stonewarriors started attacking this Cavern so I was on defense mode and I thought you were there Underlords" The slinger says while Junjie gets up and helps Eli up.

The Slinger then takes off his helmet and reveals a white haired male with yellow eyes and two purple scars on both sides of his cheek and two red marks below his eyes.

"Names Cameran..... and you must be Eli Shane?" Cameran says

Eli then looks at Junjie then Cameran, "yep"

Eli and Junjie look at eachother and Cameran turns around and sees Ford, Trixie and Pronto walking up to them, slowly.

"Oh that's Trixie and Ford and the charmer is Pronto" Eli says.

"My apologies Ford, Trixie and.... Pronto??" Cameran says.

"Yes yes we forgive you but, your shooting ghouls???" Pronto says.

"Oh uh, all of my slugs got ghouled by the Emperor for his 'weapon' and when I got them back, they were ghouls.. But they are still loyal to me as they were when they were slugs." Cameran explains and a Ghouled Tazerling jumps out of its containment and onto Cameran's shoulder.

"Cool but I think we can help with turning your 'ghouls back into slugs" Trixie says while looking at Eli.

Cameran then looks at Eli, confused.

Eli then smiles and grabs a containment with Doc inside, "Is that the Energy Elemental??"

"Yep, meet Doc" Eli says and Doc waves his little hands at Cameran.

"I appreciate that you want to help me cure my slugs but, I want to keep them this way and, they seem not to mind" Cameran says and the ghouls in there containments on Cameran's belt, growl in response.

"It is indeed impressive that you've defended and destroyed stonewarriors by yourself" Junjie says.

"It must be tiring to defend this Cavern and destroy stonewarriors" Trixie says while looking at Cameran. 

Cameran sighs, "it is but this Cavern is on the edge of the Eastern Caverns, so it hardly has any defenses and hardly gets help. This Cavern is the only Cavern that the Emperor has not touch so the slug energy here is very powerful. Thus, this Cavern has alot of stonewarriors attacking this place and stealing slugs so that's why I'm here. Trying to defend this Cavern and destroy stonewarriors who step foot in this Cavern" Cameran explains.

They all look at eachother and Cameran turns around and sees the people cheering and clapping.

"They try to give me slugs or gold but I refuse to accept the offer. I just want to help" Cameran whispers to them.

Eli then smiles, "You sound like a true hero and defender of this Cavern" Eli says and Cameran turns around and smiles.

"Come, I'll show you where I live" Cameran says while walking pass the people and the Shane gang follow.

This Fanfic is crappy cause, for some reason, my other fanfic deleted and lost this chapter so I made a new one and tryed to recall what I typed so yeeeaaaa...

Anyway I'm done...
Bye (/-_-\)

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