~ Demons ~

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Revised on 3.18.21


        A contemplative hum leaves my lips as I stare at the building looming before me. Built of sturdy grey brick, it was truly magnificent in its grandeur. From a mere glance it would seem intimidating; an impenetrable fortress filled with ruthless warriors awaiting their next chance to slay. However, upon closer inspection, one could look past the doors to see smiling faces. If you were to listen with a keen enough ear, you would crack a grin at the contagious laughter carried on by the breeze; the product of some unheard joke.

        A flash of movement catches my eye and I glance to the left. I release a sigh, my shoulders relaxing once I see the aggressor; a simple red and gold flag fluttering in the gentle wind.

        Chuckling in embarrassment, I watch as the flag continues its dance, allowing myself to admire each and every detail.

        The banner was a bright cherry red, bordered in gold. In the center sat a mysterious emblem, humanoid yet strange. It looked to be a running person with multiple horizontal lines behind it, but anyone who knew better could tell you it was much more than that. Some would say it was a symbol of hope, others an emblem of peace or safety. Yet others would tell you it was a fairy, and that the lines behind it were its wings and, quite curiously, its tail.

        This was the insignia chosen by the number one guild in all of Fiore, the one and only Fairy Tail. For years, the mages within this guild had been known to run in and save the day whenever trouble arose. The most recent such event was when they got caught up in a war with another guild, Phantom Lord. Both sides had suffered immensely, and it seemed like everything was over when the doomsday countdown first began.

        Jose, the guild master of Phantom Lord, had a huge cannon aimed at Fairy Tail that would surely obliterate the rest of Magnolia once it was fired. The only thing that would bring Jose to pull back his forces was if Fairy Tail were to hand over one of their most recent members, a celestial mage by the name of Lucy Heartfilia. Apparently she was the runaway daughter of some rich man, and he was desperate to get her back, going as far as promising good money to the guild if Phantom Lord were to return her to him.

        True to their values, Fairy Tail denied them. They knew she didn't want to go back, and they stood by and fought with her until the threat was no more.

        That's how Fairy Tail is. They consider each and every wizard to be a part of their family, and would gladly take on any enemy in order to keep their family safe and intact.

        Phantom Lord had since disbanded, and rumor has it that Fairy Tail took a couple of ex-Phantoms under their wing. To think that a guild could be so trusting and forgiving, after all those people put them through... who knows? If I were to walk in there today and pledge my allegiance, maybe they would give me a chance, too.

        Ha, don't get ahead of yourself now. Don't forget who you are.

        My eyes fall to the ground and I pull my cloak tighter about myself, overwhelmed by the sudden urge to walk away and pretend I never stood before this guild in the first place. It wouldn't be the first time. I'd been having an internal debate about this guild for the past couple of weeks; always promising myself I'd leave and push the thought from my mind, and always returning to this exact same place a couple of days later.

        "Excuse me miss, can I help you?"

        Slightly startled, I look up to see a blonde girl with a sweet and somewhat uncertain smile. She seemed to be around my age, clothed in white and blue attire; a collared button-up tank and a skirt. Hooked onto her belt at the hip was a ring holding numerous intricate keys. Lucy.

Stormy Skies: This Cruelty Known As Fate (Laxus x Reader) [CURRENTLY EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now