~ Crossing the Threshold : Part One ~

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Hey guys! Sorry I've been taking so long to update, I've been really busy and my internet was down for a good while. As promised, the new chapter! Hope you like it❤



     Groaning, I roll over as I pull the sheets further over my head.

     "(Y/N), you need to get up." The kind voice tries to coax me out of my warm slumber. "We have training today... and I have a surprise for you at the end if you do well enough."

     My interest now piqued, I sit up in my makeshift bed and stretch my tired limbs, releasing a small yawn. "A surprise?" I turn to see a small spark of amusement light up my mentor's wise, silver eyes.

     His fangs glint in the early morning light as his lips curl into a smirk. "Well that got your attention, didn't it? I swear, you'd sleep for a month straight if I let you." The words that could be taken as such a cold taunt held nothing but adoration as he shook his head and laughed. "Just get up. I'll be waiting about a mile upstream whenever you're ready."

     With that, he turns and walks out of the cave that's served as my home for the last four years. I watch the dark scales glint on his retreating back until he's out of sight.

     Not wanting to waste any time, I quickly scramble out from under the covers and pull on my jeans. Throwing on a large blue shirt, I tie it into a knot near my midsection and grab my boots as I jump over the bed. Sitting on the edge, I lace them up before grabbing an apple and running outside.

    True to his word, I find Asutoro sitting next to the river, patiently waiting with his eyes closed.

     He must be meditating... Grinning, I crouch low among the tall grass and slowly creep towards where he's resting. I pick my path carefully, being sure to avoid any twigs or unstable rocks. Looking to make sure his eyes are still closed, I raise my arms and focus. A tingle runs up my spine as I will some of the water from the nearby stream to slowly snake its way towards me. Eyebrows knit and teeth gritted in concentration, I remain diligent until my efforts create a fair-sized orb of water. It hovers over my dear dragon's head as a sly grin lights up my features. Thanks, Mercphobia.

     Just two more steps... I'm less than a pace away when it all goes wrong.


     I freeze, mid-step, and glance up to see that his eyes are still closed.

     Must've imagined it...

     Thinking I was hearing things, I let out a breath I wasn't even aware I was holding as I resume my trek, eyes still locked on him. One more step...

     My heart skips a beat as his lips curl into a nearly imperceptible smile. Nearly imperceptible...

     "Oh fu – "

     I don't have any time to react as he sweeps his tail in a broad arc, sending me flying straight into the ice-cold body of water.

     Breaking the crisp surface, I gasp for air and make my way towards shore. Goosebumps overtake the surface of my skin as I'm hit by the cool autumn breeze. 

     Disheartened as I was from my failed covert operation, I couldn't help but crack a small smile at the sound of Asutoro's laughter. Highly contagious, it was deep and rumbling. It rang out loud and clear, and it was enough to make even Metallicana break into a smirk on a good day, though he'd deny it every time.

     "Okay, ok-kay. You got me. You got me good. But could you maybe n-not send me flying int-to the water when it's this c-cold?"

     "Oh, come on. I thought Taiga had toughened you up to the cold a bit?"

     "Well yeah but I'm usually dressed for cooler weather when I train with her! I wasn't exactly planning on taking a swim today, so I wasn't dressed for as much."

     This only causes him to laugh harder, and I pout as I cross my arms and engulf myself within a pillar of flames, effectively drying myself. 

     "Well then, maybe I'll have a chat with Skiadrum... he should be able to help with your lurking skills. Until then, let's get going with your training. You know the drill."

Okay so I know it's a LOT shorter than all of my others, but my internet was down for three days before our provider was able to get it up and running again. As my schooling in online, this put me really far behind in a lot of my classes; especially with finals and whatnot. However, I had promised I'd update today and I'd be so mad at myself if I were to not hold true to that. I hope you guys understand, and I'll try to get the rest of this chapter up soon!

                    ~ Tori-chan❤

Stormy Skies: This Cruelty Known As Fate (Laxus x Reader) [CURRENTLY EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now