~ Evade ~

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WARNING: Hey guys, just wanted to warn you... I'm pretty sure you guys are used to seeing the names spelled "Freed" and "Bickslow", but in the subs I watched, they were spelled "Freid" and "Bixlow", so it's just habitual for me to spell them this way. Please don't hate me 👉🏼👈🏼

Revised on 4.20.21 (Happy birthday Katsu!!💥🧡)


I wake up to the noise of distant chatter. Bolting upright, I try to still my breathing as I listen. However, the only sound that meets my ears is that of my own heart pounding within my chest.

That's strange. Maybe it was just my imagination?

Still wary, I relax my muscles and look about to admire my surroundings. It was almost dusk; the sun hung lazily near the horizon. The light it cast glowed in varying tones of amber and mauve, the shadows dancing to some unheard tune while the trees swayed in the breeze.

After listening for a few more minutes, I'm just about to write it off as yet another sign of insanity when I hear it again; only much closer.

Every muscle in my body protests as I shoot up from my place on the ground, limbs stiff from having slept at the base of a tree all day. I allow myself a quick stretch before climbing to one of the tree's lower boughs, cringing each time the dead grass beneath me let out a crunch.

Even now, so close to nightfall, the damage of today's earlier events was still quite evident. The irregular circle of dead foliage seemed to radiate a darkness deeper than that of the shadows, like a hole straight into the earth. All of the saplings and trees that had fallen victim cast rigid shapes onto the ground, no longer limber enough to join in the dancing of those surrounding us.

I'm bombarded as the memories flood into my mind. Though the night was warm, I can't help but shiver at the chills running down my spine as her words echoed through my head, taunting me.

"...a curse. Give up. Give in... won't stop until he hunts you down... He knows your fears... exploit them."

I'm snapped back into reality when the murmuring finally reaches its peak.

Peering through the branches, my curiosity grows as three people wander into my line of vision.

An addled gasp can be heard as they take in the scene, and I watch as a caramel-haired girl turns towards her companions, brows furrowed beneath her glasses. "What happened here?"

The man in the mask looks just as confused as she is, offering a shrug before both of them turn to the third person.

His hair color was fairly peculiar; a cool-toned spring green. Two little antennae-like tufts of hair stuck up from either side of his head, shaped as miniature lightning bolts. Though it was fairly dark by now, it wasn't hard to make out the disturbed look swimming in his eyes, which were such an intense shade of blue they almost gave off the illusion that they were glowing.

"Dark magic." The greenette grimaces quite obviously before glancing towards his friends and continuing. "Very strong dark magic... I've never seen anything like it before."

Something seems to catch his eye, causing his gaze to shift. Walking to the base of the tree, he stares down at the grass. My small form had left an imprint, flattening the blades where I'd been resting.

I can't see his face from my place above him, but I imagine his eyes narrowed as he knelt down and placed his hand against the smooth trunk.

"It's still warm." He stands and turns towards his companions. "Whoever was here, they can't be far."

Stormy Skies: This Cruelty Known As Fate (Laxus x Reader) [CURRENTLY EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now