~ Forgiveness in the Moonlight ~

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Freid's POV

         "What were you thinking?!"

        I wince as the volume of his inquiries stab my brain like a million daggers. I had a terrible hangover, and it only made me feel worse when I learned of what I had done while intoxicated. Apparently, Laxus had returned with the girl, and I had snapped.

        I was told that I had held my sword to her throat, then proceeded to shower her with curses and physical attacks whilst I had a wall holding everyone else back. Using one of my spells, I had slowly sucked all of the oxygen from her body until she passed out.

        If Laxus hadn't been there...

        No. I mustn't allow myself to think like that. He was there. And it was a good thing, too. Levy had rewritten my wall, allowing him to get through. He struck me with his magic, bringing me back to my senses. I looked down and around to see myself straddling a young woman, looks of horror on the faces of those around me. Laxus had grabbed me by the collar and yelled at me, telling me to "...erase it". I was confused at first, but then I felt a power emanating from the girl. It was a power I knew all too well; my own. I erased all of the spells surrounding her, and Laxus immediately ran to her side, feeling for a pulse.

       In that moment, I realized who she was, and what had happened. I didn't know any details, but I had the gist of it. I had been fully prepared to kill her. I had tried to KILL her. And I would have if he hadn't stopped me.


Laxus' POV

        He finally looks up at me, and I can see just how much his actions had hurt him. His eyes were red, and he looked very close to tears.

        We were both in the infirmary, along with Y/N. When he had suffocated her, I struck him, harder than I probably needed to. He snapped out of it, erasing the Écritures before passing out.

        There were numerous cuts and bruises on his body, and his chest and abdomen was wrapped in a bandage.

        Y/N was much worse for wear. Though Freid had removed the hexes, her body was still suffering through the aftereffects. She needed around the clock care for her fever, along with replacing the salves within her bandages every few hours. The majority of her tiny body was covered with these bandages, and it was really painful to see her in this state. What was he thinking?

       I ask him in a gentler tone this time. He may have pissed me off, but he's one of the few people in this guild I care about. "Freid, what were you thinking?"

       He swallows hard, furrowing his brows in confusion and remorse. "I - I wasn't."

        "Tch. Damn right." I cross my arms and rub the bridge of my nose. "You are apologizing to her first chance you get. I know you aren't exactly fond of her, but that was taking it too far."

        "Yes, sir."

        "And stop treating her with such disdain. She broke your spell. I get it. But maybe instead of getting angry, you should be trying to figure out how to immunize yourself towards attacks like that... figure out how to get stronger. You know I have no need for weaklings, physically or emotionally."

Freid's POV

        My eyes start to water at this last comment. I need to prove myself to him.

Stormy Skies: This Cruelty Known As Fate (Laxus x Reader) [CURRENTLY EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now