~ Not So Solo ~

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Ok, guys... I'm back! School is still a daunting mess, but I'll figure it out eventually (I hope). Quick shout-out to JustFairyTails, FrostedDonutSprinkle, and AverageOtakuTrainee! They have shown a lot of support❤❤ JustFairyTails has some amazing fanfics, make sure you check them out! Without further ado, as promised: Chapter 6!


        Maybe today'll finally be the day. Nervously readjusting the jacket draped over my shoulders for the umpteenth time, I push the broad oak doors open and stroll over to the bar. Disregarding the numerous wooden stools, I find an empty spot next to Cana. I lean back on the counter and prop myself up on my elbows, smiling over my shoulder as a sweet, white-haired barista greets me.

        "Good morning, Y/N!"

        "Morning, Mirajane."

        She smiles warmly. "Please, call me Mira. Would you like anything to drink?"

        There's zero thought process as my taste buds overtake my brain. "One Vanya Ale, please."

        Frowning in confusion, she cocks her head and places a finger on her chin as she speaks. "V - vanya? I'm sorry, but I don't believe I've heard of it bef - "

        My eyes grow wide as I realize my mistake. "Oh, why... o - of course! So, so sorry. Ummm... wrong fandom."

        "Fan - "

        "KINGDOM! Yes, wrong kingdom. Sorry 'bout that. Cana!" I turn to the booze enthusiast with a smile. "What would you recommend?"

        She scrutinizes my face, blinking rapidly as if she were just barely becoming aware of my presence. Her features are then replaced with a bright smile as she takes a long swig from her barrel and holds it close to her body. "What the hell? EARTH TO Y/N! Are you even listening to yourself? The alcohol. DUH." she shakes her head, laughing to herself as if someone had just asked her if Natsu was a reckless idiot.

        "Well gee. Thanks for the help." I mumble. Groaning, I turn around and allow my forehead to hit the counter top. Though effective in relieving both stress and frustration, it opened me up to a different attack, as I practically had my rear sticking up into the air.

        "Hey, Y/N." I'm pulled into someone's arms as my chin is lifted to meet another's gaze. "Are you wearing celestial leggings? Because your beauty transcends that of this realm."

        Cringing on the inside, I turn to face the culprit. Smiling sweetly, I caress the side of his face ever so lightly. "How sweet. Charming as ever, Loke."

        He pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose and smirks. "Why, thank you. I do get that quite often."

        I hum in amusement. "Quite a shock, really. What, with your over-sized ego constantly obscuring everything else about you."

        His smirk fades. "What are you trying to - "

        I chuckle as I boop him on the nose. "Why, exactly what it sounds like, luv. Seriously, I thought the implication was quite obvious." I go to walk away before stopping and looking him in the eye. "Oh, and since you asked... I am not clothed in celestial attire. These are, in fact, baseball pants. 'Coz - how would you word it? - 'Because... my league transcends that of yours'?" It's my turn to smirk as he processes my words. "Just remember that next time you consider hitting on me, eh?"

Stormy Skies: This Cruelty Known As Fate (Laxus x Reader) [CURRENTLY EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now