Chapter 1

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Tris POV
"Beatrice!!"yells Marcus.

I hurry up the stairs.

"Yes sir?"

"Where is Tobias?"

"I don't know sir."I lie.Tobias is with his friends and he told me to cover for him.

"Oh...but I think you do,"he says as he steps closer to me."Tell me Beatrice."

"I don't know where Tobias is sir.I promise you"I explain.

His fist comes strongly at my face and he hits me just below my eye.

I cry silently.

His fist comes towards my lip and it hits if with a strong impact.I taste .blood

"Stop it,"yells Evelyn his wife."Marcus stop it right now she is a lady."

"I don't care she's my property and I need to know where that scum you call a son is."Marcus spits.

"I'm right here and I want you to get away from
Tris now."says Tobias as he enters the room.

"This is my house and nobody gives orders but me."

"Then do what you want with me,but never lay a hand any other living soul in this house and that includes Tris."Tobias argues.

Marcus takes out his belt and whips Tobias in the face with it.

"Tobias!!"I yell.

"Tris please go to your room."Tobias pleads.

"No I'm not leaving you here."

The belt comes harshly on to my wrist and his back.

"It was for your own good,Tobias.Now out of here."Marcus says.

I help Tobias up and take him to his room.I grab the first aid kit from his restroom and lay him down on his bed.I apply ointment to the wounds on his back and bandage him.

He slowly sits up and hugs me.

"Tris are you okay?"

I nod.

He checks my face and my wrist.

"I'm going to kill him for hurting you."He tells me.

"It's okay,Tobias.Just stay away from him okay."I plead.

He nods.

Tobias' little sister peeks around the door frame.

"Come here Emmy."I say.Everybody but Marcus calls her Emmy for Emilia.

She's only 1 and a half and is learning to walk and talk.

She crawls over to me and says"Tis cwy?"

"No I'm not crying."I say sweetly.

"Budder cwy?"

"Nope."replies Tobias.

Tobias smiles at her and she giggles.

"I love you,Emmy."I say.

"Ov you too,Tis."She replies and kisses my cheek.

"Budder and Tis kiss."She tells us.

Tobias and I look at each other.He stands up and closes the door.

Tobias kisses my lips with his soft and warm ones.

Emmy claps with joy.

I blush deeply and look at Tobias.We smile at each other.

Emmy hears the puppy,Lancelot, barking and toddles out of the room.

"Tris I love you that's why I kissed you."explains Tobias.

"Tobias...I love you too.Its just that we can't have a relationship not until we are safe from Marcus."

He nods and looks down.

I make sure the door is closed and I stand up and lock it.

I climb onto his lap and straddle him.

"Don't get me wrong I love you,but it's just not safe...yet."I smirk.

I kiss him.He kisses back and my body ignites.

I get off him and leave the room.

I find Emmy in her room playing with Lancelot.

"Tis!!"she exclaims.She pats the spot next to her as if to tell me to sit next to her.

I sit there and she says"Anceot funny!!"

I nod and she yawns."Bubba."That's what she calls her bottle.

I go get it from the fridge.I give it to her and tuck her in the crib.

"Night Night,Emmy."

"Ni ni Tis."

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