Chapter 4

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Tobias POV

I wake up to Emmy crying.

"What's wrong Emmy?"

"I cold."She replies shivering.

I put the covers of her and bring Tris and her closer to me.

"Better?"I ask.

She nods her tiny head.I kiss the top of her head and she says,"Ov you budder"

"Love you too,Little sister."


I wake up a couple hours later.I look down and see my legs intertwined with Tris's.The only thing separating us from hugging only each other is Emmy.

With all three of us laying here it looks like we're a family.

And I love that.

These two girls are my everything.

I get up from bed and go freshen up.

When I come back I see Tris and Emmy giggling.

"What's so funny?"I ask.

"Nothing,"Tris replies quickly.I give her a puppy eyes look."Fine.Emmy just thought you were a little overweight."

"Oh really?"I smirk.

Emmy nods her head like crazy and says,"Budder

We all laugh.


After breakfast,we decide to take Emmy to the park.At least it's a Saturday.Marcus always takes business trips on Saturday and Sunday.

Emmy is on my neck babbling her baby talk and laughing.

Christina is there at the park with her little brother that is Emmy's age.His name is Johnny.

"Hi Tris.Hi Four."She greets.

"Hi."We say in unison.

"Hey Emmy."She tells her.

"Hi Chis."Emmy replies.

"Where's your little sister?"Tris asks.

"At a sleepover.I just brought Johnny to the park."She explains.

"Hey Emmy want to go play with Johnny?"I ask.

"Ya!!"She exclaims.She loves playing with Johnny.

I set her down and she scurries over to him.Well more like toddles.

"Oh my gosh Tris your hand."Christina observes.

"Yeah I was cooking and burned myself."Tris

Chris nods and asks,"Are you okay?"

Tris nods.

I turn to check on the kids and I see Emmy pressing her lips to Johnny's.That's cute.

Wait what!!!

"Emmy stop!"I yell.

She pulls away from him.

I carry her and she pounds with her fists at my back.

"NO BUDDER DOWN!!!"She exclaims.

"No Emmy.Only big people can kiss not kids your age ."I explain.

She crys.

"T-Tissy."She hiccups.

Tris takes her and she tells her the same thing,"Yeah Emmy.Only big people can kiss."

"Budder and Tis kiss."She retorts.

Tris blushes.

Christina laughs.

Emmy falls asleep and we decide it's time to go.

We say goodbye to Chris and Johnny.


When we get home Tris and I watch a movie in my room.Her head laying on my shoulder.

"One day Tris I'll claim you as mine forever because I love you."I tell her.

She shifts her head and looks at me.

She replies,"I can't wait for that day.I long to be yours because I love you too."

She kisses me and I kiss back.

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