Chapter 2

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Tris POV
I arise the next morning in my bed.

I get dressed and brush my teeth.I decide to go check on Emmy before I head to school.

She's sitting in her crib playing with her toy.

"Tis!!"She exclaims.

"Hi Emmy."

She holds out her arms so I can lift her up.I pick her up and she accidentally steps on my hurt wrist.

"Ow."I say between my teeth trying to hold back my tears.

"I sowwy Tis."She apologizes.

I nod and kiss her few messy strands of hair.

"Budder?"She asks.

"You want to go see him?"I question.

"Ya!!!"She yells with joy.

I put her down and grab her hand as we walk towards Tobias' room.

We step in and I see a Tobias in nothing,but his boxers.

"Eww budder."Emmy says.

Tobias laughs.

"Sorry Tobias we'll come back."I explain trying not to look at him.

"It's okay come in.Close the door."He tells me.I obey and Emmy runs to Tobias.

She hugs his legs.He picks her up and coos"Hey

She waves to him. He puts her on his bed as he gets dressed.

"Don't think I forgot about you."He coos to me.

I roll my eyes.I stand up and hug him and he hugs back.We stay like that for a long time until Emmy splits us apart and tells Tobias,"No Toias!!Tis mine!!!"

We both laugh.She hugs my legs and I say,"Yeah I'm Emmy's."

I lead us down to breakfast.
After school Tobias and I walk home.

When we get home I walk into the sounds of a wailing Emmy.

"Evelyn shut that putrid thing up!!!"yells Marcus.

"Marcus don't talk about her that way,"She looks over and sees me."Thank God Tris you're home. Can you please help me with Emmy?"

I nod and drop my backpack on the ground as I rush to Evelyn's help.

"Emmy you have to be quiet or you'll get a timeout."Evelyn explains.

"NO!!!I WANT TOIAS AND TIS!"She wails.

"Emmy I'm here."I say.

She toddles over to me and I pick her up.

"T-Tissy."She says between hiccups.

"Shhhhh.It's okay I'm here."I coo.

She quiets down and occasionally hiccups and sniffles.

"Why was she crying?"I inquire.

"She's been crying for you and Tobias and she doesn't want to take a bath."Evelyn explains to me.

I nod.

"Tobias can you come in here?"I ask.

"Emmy has been crying for us and she doesn't want to take her bath."I tell him.

"Oh Emmy,"He coos as he takes her from my arms."We're here,but you have to take that bath."

"No Toias pease."She pleads to him.

"Tris get the water running."Tobias tells me.I do as he says and turn it off when it's nice.I take Emmy and undress her.She flails her fists and hits me many times.

"Tobias I'm going to have to lightly reprimand her and spank her."I explain.I hate it when it comes to this,but it's better that way Marcus doesn't take it into his own hands.

I lay her on the bed and hesitantly yell,"Emilia be quiet now you're going to take that bath!!!"

She cries even more and I turn her over so she's laying on her tummy.I spank her butt lightly only to the point where it will scare her.

She stops crying and only sniffles.I pick her up and sit her down in the tub.

I touch her hands and say,"I'm sorry Emmy.I just did it so your dad wouldn't make it worse.I love you Emmy."

She crosses her arms and turns away from me.

"No Tis only budder."She says.

"Emmy don't say that Tris loves you more than anything."Tobias explains to her.

"No Tis!!Tis mean!"She yells.

I cry and run out of the bathroom.I cry on my bed.

Tobias POV

"Emmy it's not nice to call people mean you made Tris cry."I tell her.

"I sowwy."Emmy apologizes.

"Don't tell me.Tell that to Tris.

I bather her and change her into pink leggings and a red shirt.

"Tis?"She asks.

"Go find her."

She walks out looking for Tris.I follow her.

We walk into Tris' room.

"Tobias go away Emmy doesn't want me."

"Tissy I sowwy."says Emmy.

Tris POV

"Tissy I sowwy."says Emmy.

I sit up and out Emmy in my lap.

"It's okay Emmy."

She starts to cry.This is what happens all the time she can't see Tobias or myself cry because she starts crying.

I console her.

I take out my barrette from my hair and put it in her hair.

She falls asleep and I take her to her crib.

"You're so good with her."Tobias compliments.

I smile.


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