Chapter 9

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Tris POV

The smell of lavender and vanilla fill my nostrils.

It is what our city is best known for it's outstanding production of vanilla and lavender.

I start to wander and I hear someone say,"Hey baby why don't you come over here!"

A figure stands up to him and by his voice I recognize it as Zeke.He exclaims,"Talk to my sister like that again and I'll show you how much working out helps."

The body begins to cringe in fear and he apologizes.

Zeke walks over to me and asks,"Are you okay?"

"Yeah thanks for that."

"No problem sis. Now go have fun."He says as he hugs me.

I nod and wander around expecting Tobias to appear around the corner or to come up behind me.

As if on cue my phone vibrates in my purse.I take it out and it's a text from Tobias.

Don't worry I'm here.-Tobias

Then come and find me or you can find yourself another date.-Tris

No!!!I will find you.-Tobias

Okay...that sounds creepy.-Tris


I put my phone away and serve myself a cup of punch.

"Hey Tris?"asks Will as he walks over with Christina.


"Can you dance with me?"He asks.

"Yeah,"I reply."If it's okay with Christina."

She nods.

I wrap my arms around Will's neck and he places his hands on my waist.

"Why did you want to dance with me?"I question.

"Two reasons.First reason your my sister and second reason well you'll find out."He replies.

He starts to dance us towards Christina and another figure.

"On 3!"yells Chris.

"1,2,3!!!"exclaims Will.

At the moment the number three leaves his mouth he spins me into the arms of the figure that was dancing with Christina.

The figure leans close to my ear and whispers,"I found you."

I immediately recognize him as Tobias.

His hot breath ignites my body with flames.

"Come with me."He tells me as he pulls me out of the ballroom and up towards the second floor.

We sit on the ledge of the terrace which is surprisingly wide for the both of us.

Our legs are dangling and we're overlooking the huge pool. We remove our masks.

Tobias takes a hold of my hand and squeezes it.

"Tobias,"I begin."Your fear of heights.We can get off of the ledge you know."

"Now it's okay,"He replies."You look good, Tris.Actually you don't you look stunning."

I feel heat rush to my cheeks.

"Tris why do you choose to stay at that living hell we call home. Why do you defend me
everyday?"He asks.

"I stay because of you and Emmy.I defend you everyday because it hurts me that we can't be together.It hurts me that I can't kiss your lips and hold you against me.Defending you and staying in that house is the only thing that I could think of that reassures me that you are mine and that you love me even if we're not in a relationship."I say and then I feel a hot tear roll down my cheek.

Tobias kisses it stopping from going any further.

I see him crying.

"I love you, Tris."

"I love you too."

He pulls out a necklace from his back pocket as says,"Here I bought it for you."

I look at the charm and it's a black circle with a silver flame.

"It represents our flame,"He says."I have one too."

He shows me the one on his neck.Tobias puts mine on my neck.

I turn to him and he kisses my lips softly.

The kiss is full of passion and longing.

When we pull back he tells me,"Tris I don't care anymore.Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes a million times yes."I reply.

Then our lips are once again locked moving together in sync.

I don't care either.

Tobias is mine and will be mine forever.


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