Chapter 2: Uncover

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Holly's POV
Everyone is settling down now and having fun like I wanted. I can't help but look at her. The one student I have always loved...

"Holly?" My thoughts are stopped by Faith asking me a question.

"Yes Faith?"

"So, as we spoke about this the other day. There's no Christmas show at all?" She asks me as I already know the answer.

"None. And I wish I could help, but I won't be around for you guys to rehearse. As I said, that's why we can't do the show because of me. And I'm still very, very sorry about that."

Faiths head lays low. I know how much she wanted to do a show. "It's okay." She whispers as she walks away.

I've let down all my students, that's why I've tried to make it up to them by organising this trip. The real reason however... the reason I'm actually going...

I'm having surgery on my eyes.

That's the reason. And I can't tell the class, they'd hate me. So... I lied to them.

2 weeks earlier

"You're leaving us because you're going to Vegas?!" Jola shouted.

"For a business scholarship, yes. But I will be back!" I tried to reassure.

"Not like the terminator." Elle laughed.

"Holly I think this is very tedious." Tom exclaimed.

"So, Holly, not only are you leaving us for a short period of time, does this mean we can't do a show?" James L remarked.

I nodded and the expression on everyone's faces. Most were angry. Some were sad, even Elle cried.

"I want to quit this course." Emma said as she got up and stormed out the theatre.

"Well she's gone with the wind." Tom muttered.

"Look guys. I understand you are all stressed-"

"Stressed?! We have nothing to do in this course anymore Holly." Ben shouted.

"This is bullshit." Faith angrily mutters, looking at the floor.

"Everything is bullshit." Mia agreed.

"I'll make it up to you guys, I promise."


And I tried to make it up to them. And I just hope I've done a good job. Otherwise, I may have lost their trust, their respect, everything they owe me.

Jola's POV
"Are you sure you want to share a bed? We've only been dating for a week." I ask.

"I'll sleep downstairs if you-"

"Yes James, sleep downstairs. Please." I say as James L walks out of the room and slams the door behind him.

He is the most difficult boyfriend. He's rude, sloppy and has no respect for me. It's only been a week and I feel like he's already pissed me off, periodt.

I walk towards the window and see her. She is so beautiful. Everything about her.  I know what you're thinking, is she bi? Well, to be honest I've known I've loved girls from a young age. Boys are just an extra part of my life I go around. But this girl, she's different.

I want to spend more time with her, more time than we've had previously. I remember the day we met...

2 months earlier

I'm trying my best to get into college on time. Having to walk alllllll the way from Grays is a TRECK in one.

I finally make it into college but I'm rushing to find my next class. As I ran past the Performing Arts office I stumbled and fell on top of a bright lady.

"H-Hi. I-I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed as I helped the lady up. The lady looked me up and down and smiled.

"No problem." She replied.

"I'm Jola." I said as I held out my hand. The lady shook it.

"I'm Holly. Holly Day."


"We can't keep doing this Sean!" Mia exclaims as the pair had ran out into the fields to 'chill'.

"Mia we've only been having our affair for 2 weeks!-"

"Sean, you're supposed to be married! Your wife needs you."

"Not as much as I need you." Sean says as him and Mia begin their 'sesh'

Elsewhere, Robyn is cooking dinner for everybody.

"What you cooking Robyn?" Ben asks.

"I'm making a soup. A special soup." She replies.

"Is soup really going to fill 15 mouths?" Dan asks.

"I hope so." She says with a grin on her face.

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