Chapter 10 - Scars

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Ashley's POV

I arrive to the scene to find the patient on the ground with a gun shot wound to her right leg.

We put the patient into the ambulance as I begin to ask her a few questions.

"What's your name darling?" I ask as the patient is crying.

"M-Mia." She sobs.

"Okay Mia, I'm going to need you to be brave. We are taking you to the hospital now where we will treat the wound, everything will be okay."

"W-Where is S-Sean?" She shakes.

"He's gone back to the house, where he should have been. I've been informed about the case."

"The m-murders?" Mia says.



"I never had a gun under my bed!" Catherine screamed.

"Well Mia said she found it under YOUR bed! She came to my home and nearly shot herself." Sean screamed.

"Look guys surely we can-"

"SHUT UP JAMES." Catherine screamed as James Leeds walked out the room, probably packing to go Lapland.

"Catherine, Sean, go upstairs and yapper. None of us need to hear this shit." Dan exclaimed. "I'm very sorry to hear that dear Mia is in hospital, and I will try my hardest to go see her. But for now, people are dying, we need to protect ourselves."

"I'm sorry Sean, but I promise you. It's not my gun." Catherine says.

"It's mine." Ben whispers as everyone looks round at him. "But, I didn't give it to Mia, to be honest I thought it was at home, I didn't bring it with me."

"Why do you have a gun?" Megan asks.


"What reasons?" Debbie questions.

"I don't want to-"

"Ben it's okay." Ellie says as she walks over and sits next to him. "You can be honest with us."

"I don't want to talk about it." Ben says as he gets up and leaves the room.

Is Ben hiding a secret from his past?

Dan's POV

"Hey." I turn around and see Catherine, watching me make a cup of tea.

"Hi." I say, stirring my tea.

"Can we talk?"

Finally she wants to address it.

"Yes, finally." I say as I sit down at the kitchen table as Catherine follows through. "We need to talk about that night, at that party."


"Before you say anything, I am divorced." I inform her.

"What happened to Shannon?"

"Mrs 'Finch' wasn't the one. And I'm still determined to find her." I say with a smile as Catherine looks rather anxious. "Everything okay?"

"I'm pregnant."

"Wow! Congrat-"

"And you're the father." She says as my mouth gapes open as I gasp.

Faith's POV
Since Tom's death, I've felt different. Like a part of me was lost. Like a part of me just wasn't there anymore, a part of me I didn't know existed until it just... left.

Outside in the field where he was stabbed, me and Robyn made a memorial for him. We was very close with him.

"I just can't believe he's gone." Robyn says as I stay silent.

I wish I had more to say.

"One minute he's there. The next he's gone." Robyn says as a year escapes her eyes. She snaps out of her sadness and decides to FaceTime Terrell.

As Robyn leaves, Jola comes outside. She also made a memorial for Holly next to Tom's.

"I miss her."

"Holly?" I ask Jola.

"Yeah." She whispers as I look at her.

"I didn't know yous were that close."

"Well, no one knows everything. Do they?" She says as she walks away.

5 years ago

Ben's POV
It's the day after my 13th birthday, and it's my first day of secondary school. What a day to have school on.

I'm walking to school with my brother Leo, he's my twin brother. I'm a minute older, lol.

"I can't wait to start school." Leo said.

"Nerd." I chimed back as we walked through the school gates.

There were massive groups of people. Huge groups.

Leo had made some friends on induction day, and found them straight away. Leo left me, alone in the playground.

Nice brother he is.

Then that's where I met-

"Oi. Kid, come ere."


He was 4"5, and I was 5"5, but this kid... was horrendous.

From the moment I met him, all he did was beat me up. I wasn't a strong kid, let's be real, but this kid must have been a traveller.


To this day, Leo doesn't know about any of this. It's stopped now obviously now we go different colleges. But sometimes, I have nightmares, of anyone beating me up, calling me names. Anything.

I have scars all over my body from him. From where he's beaten me up so many times. Once I fought back, and came back with a broken leg. I told my mother I did it while playing football. So when Megan asked me why I had a gun?

If anyone ever tried to beat me up again, or fuck with my brain...

I'd shoot them or shoot myself.


Dan's POV
"I'm... I'm a what?"

"You're the father to the baby Dan."  Catherine says.

"But I'm... Dan." I have lost my brain. I'm going to be a father, to Catherine's baby.

Catherine Birch's baby.

"Dan, you don't have to be involved-"

"I thought James Leeds was involved!"

"Look, James won't be, I'll tell him the baby is his!" She says as I spit out my tea.

"I'm sorry?! Why would you want to tell that prick he's the father to MY baby?!" I'm practically yelling.

"Dan, calm down-"

"YOU calm down! I'm out of here." I say as I get up and leave.

Leaving my tea to go cold and rather unsettling.

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