Chapter 6 - Messy

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"Haven't any of you noticed Megan hasn't been here? She left! And I need to get her back." Debbie states.

"Why do you have to get Megan?" Ben asks as Debbie and Emma share a look.

Perhaps Emma did see the note?

"I have some things to discuss with her okay? I'll be back." Debbie says as she leaves.

"Elle would have said Terminator." Ellie whimpers as Mia puts her arm around Ellie. "I miss her so much."

"Well she's gone." Faith mutters as she got up and went downstairs. Tom followed her.

Tom's POV
I have to go and see what's wrong with Faith, she's been acting rather strange lately.

"Faith." I say, catching up to her and grabbing her hand.

"Why are you holding my hand?" Faith blunt replies.

"Oh uh, sorry sorry!" I laugh awkwardly. Man I'm such an idiot. "I just want to check and see if you was okay?"

"I'm fine." She replies and storms off into her room and locks the door behind her.

She must be hiding something, and I will find out what it is.

Sean's phone begins to ring. It's his daughter, wondering where he is.

"Daddy when are you coming home?" Asked his daughter, Nicola.

"I'll be home soon okay Nicola?" He replied. "I'm going to be stuck in this house for a while." Mia doesn't know Sean has a daughter.

Wonder what she'd do if she found out?


Dan's POV
The police should be here by now! I've been in this rotting house for almost 3 nights and I can not bare it any longer!

I hear a knock at the door and it's a policeman. 7 foot guy with a black afro.

"Hello. Are you Mr Pearson?" Asked the police officer.

"Indeed I am." I replied as I let the policeman in.

Robyn's POV

I'm sitting with Jola in the living room until I see a hunky 7 foot policeman walk through the door.

Now that's a slice of cake I'd eat in one sitting.

"Could you get everyone in the living room please Mr Pearson?"

He sounds just like Benedict Cumberbatch.

"Indeed I will sir." Dan replies.

"My name is Terrell. Just call me Terrell." The policeman replies.

He's my husband as of now.

"Now everyone, I understand the circumstances you are in aren't exactly nice-"

"We're being kept in a murder house, surrounded by shit food; I just want a Chinese!" Ben screams.

"Nice. Chushty. Chinese." Ellie whispers, thinking back to a video Elle made using Snapchat filters.

"Mr Kidman I understand you're impatient and we are doing everything we can to get you all out of this house as soon as possible. But you need to understand why you're being kept here." Terrell replies.

"And why exactly are we being kept here?" Catherine asks.

"As there are so many of you suspects, we need to keep you all together in the same area. Now I understand some of you aren't from around here, correct?"

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